Canada's Great Healthcare!

I have first hand experience with Canada's health care system.

I have relative that is a Canadian citizen. She was having great pains when she ate. I begged her to stay here in the States to get treatment. I had a policy on her that was going to cover everything. She decided that she would go back to Canada because she would not have to pay her deductible.

6 months later she has lost 45 pounds and is really on her death bed. It took 5 months to get a diagnoses of gallstones. They first said she was diabetic.
She was able to get a surgery in Toronto to remove the stone. First surgery unsuccessful due to the fact they did not have the right equipment. She then flew to Vancouver to get the second surgery which took over 30 days. The second surgery they think they got the stone. It will be another 6 months wait to get a CT scan.
She is still unable to eat. If she does not start gaining wait soon I don't think she will make it.

At this point I prey its nothing more than Pancreatitis or there is still a stone in duct.

This would have never happen here. Within 6 days we would had a diagnosis and a procedure to remove the stone. They would have removed the stone on the first surgery. Then with proper diagnostic services to confirm the stone was out.
We would also had proper blood work done.

Canada's Health care is a Joke.

There is no reason someone would should be this close to death because of gallstones.
not only will federalized healthcare be free, but it will actually save money too ($500 billion from medicare 'savings' alone), so it's like putting money in our pockets, too.

what a deal.
I have first hand experience with Canada's health care system.

I have relative that is a Canadian citizen. She was having great pains when she ate. I begged her to stay here in the States to get treatment. I had a policy on her that was going to cover everything. She decided that she would go back to Canada because she would not have to pay her deductible.

I'm working on a similar situation.
Couple from Canada living in states now.
She opens with "I just don't want to have to spend $200 dollars whenever I go to the doctor …"
Right there I know H.S.A's are off the table.
Even a $40 co – pay is a mind blower to people who are used to socialized coverage or a very comprehensive grp. health plan. No point fighting it either. Work with what you've got to work with. You can only help as much as they let you.
Same thing happens here with H.M.O's sometimes. People go ga ga over a $20 co - pay only to end up with a doc. who just got off of the banana boat from Shanghais Med. school whose en-ger-ish is maybe not so good.
Yes folks, but no deductible. Me like quality healthcare.
Anyway, hope your home girl makes it.

6 months later she has lost 45 pounds and is really on her death bed. It took 5 months to get a diagnoses of gallstones. They first said she was diabetic.
She was able to get a surgery in Toronto to remove the stone. First surgery unsuccessful due to the fact they did not have the right equipment. She then flew to Vancouver to get the second surgery which took over 30 days. The second surgery they think they got the stone. It will be another 6 months wait to get a CT scan.
She is still unable to eat. If she does not start gaining wait soon I don't think she will make it.

At this point I prey its nothing more than Pancreatitis or there is still a stone in duct.

This would have never happen here. Within 6 days we would had a diagnosis and a procedure to remove the stone. They would have removed the stone on the first surgery. Then with proper diagnostic services to confirm the stone was out.
We would also had proper blood work done.

Canada's Health care is a Joke.

And getting worse.

There is no reason someone would should be this close to death because of gallstones.[/quote]