Double Redirect and Sherpa access to DOWN

is it just me, or am I really seeing giving larger subsidies if you are a smoker, whereas Sherpa does not....assuming all else equal? Nothing is matching in the small sampling I just ran.

I did a 59Y-F in 30041 making $45K.....

With, it is cheaper to answer smoking -= YES.....with Sherpa, it is cheaper to be a non-smoker....which of course makes sense. I always assumed the subsidy had nothing to do with something appears to be amiss. :-)
No additional aptc for smoking rates. Hc.gv is wrong response...."it's an estimating tool". They all seem to think it is odd that smokers can show lower total cost than non-smokers due to higher subsidies, but none of them appear smart enough to say its actually a problem. Heaven help us. I wasted an hour with some supervisors on the topic.....and as far as I got was that they would submit it for review.

It will be interesting to do an enrollment, and see if the subsidies change from what the estimating tool shows...but one would think it works off of a common data base. Maybe its always been wrong, and I never noticed it.

AT least Sherpa seems to be fine.