Cancer Plans??

I sell some of the Aetna Cancer Plan. I also bought $25,000 of it on myself a while back. I bought $200,000 critical illness on myself through Assurity 4-years ago. So far so good. I hope I never file a claim.

I believe in owning what you sell.

Are you offering this to your agents? What is the commission? Scot, My employee Greg was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer last week.
I would be interested to know how you marketed these. You mentioned that were you to do it over you would only do cancer plans. Please if you will tell us how you sold these, and where. ie business, personal etc.

The majority of what I have sold over the years has been one on one individual sales. Have done some payroll but for some reason I just don't like that market.

Had a friend that went to small towns and cold walked the business districts. he didn't do any payroll business but he would go in and make a presentation to the owner and then when he got done he would ask for permission to talk to the employees. All teh business was written on individual bank draft. He had a saying, "one in the morning and one in the afternoon". That is ten apps a week and most weeks he exceeded that.

You can use any method of prospecting you use with any other product. The approach can be as simple as, "we are talking with folks in the area about the high cost of cancer treatment. Do you know of any one who ever had cancer? Almost everyone will say yes and theconversation goes from there.
Thank you for free ilaa.. as per ur message.. pls send details.. thank you very much
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And if I dont get my free ilaa membership soon. all my biz goes to the rabbi
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Are you offering this to your agents? What is the commission? Scot, My employee Greg was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer last week.

Yes. You are appointed to sell all of Aetna's plans right along with the med sups.

Sorry to hear about Greg.
I just discovered I have another $ 25,000 cash cancer plan I took out years ago from GTL. Now I'm up to $ 50,000 in benefits.
I just discovered I have another $ 25,000 cash cancer plan I took out years ago from GTL. Now I'm up to $ 50,000 in benefits.

How can you "just discover" something when your bank account has been getting popped every month by GTL? Seriously??