Cancer Plans??

Which plan do you think would work best ie lump sum or scheduled plan? Which Co.?
I'm only familiar with lump sum. Plus I think that's the most attractive part, one big check, no waiting period like DI, etc. If they are under age 60 and can qualify by answering no to the health questions, I recommend Assurity's simplified CI plan. If they can't or are over age 60, I see if they can qualify for GTL's CHS plan. You can write them up to age 85 and there's only three health questions!
I too like the GTL CHS plan a lot! I first started writing GTL's Advantage Plus plan for my MA clients with Hosp Indemnity and adding the cancer rider. The, the CHS plan came out and I could believe how easy it to write and up to 84. The couples rates are awesome as well. Example, couple age band 65-69 is just $69 per month for lump sum 10k cancer, stroke, heart attack. I like the lump sum approach better. Easier to explain and, what if your cancer is terminal and you decide against treatment. You get money upfront for you "bucket list" vs. having to get treatment before getting paid. If they can't afford the heart attack and stroke rider you can sell them just the cancer. Since AEP season I have focused almost exclusively on this product.
Assurity simplified ci, market door to door in rural communities. Commission is outstanding! Happy customers as they have rop upon death prior to age 75.
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Hey Houcoogster, I typed out a nice response to your PM and hit the button and said I couldn't because I only had 12 posts and needed 20. I didn't know that. Oh well, this is number 13.
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Or did I mean 14 our of 20 posts?
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Hey Houcoogster, I typed out a nice response to your PM and hit the button and said I couldn't because I only had 12 posts and needed 20. I didn't know that. Oh well, this is number 13.
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Or did I mean 14 our of 20 posts?
Yeah me too! PM me your email address and I'll send you my response as well!
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Pretty interesting in that I have not found a cancer plan in CA that will issue past age 64. So glad we have all these great consumer protection laws!

Pretty interesting in that I have not found a cancer plan in CA that will issue past age 64. So glad we have all these great consumer protection laws!


I don't think you are going to find one.. CUL issues to age 69 but teh rate book has in big bold letters, "Maximum Issue Age is 64 in California"

State sure could use a good commissioner.. ;)

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