Cancer product

Hey smart ass I changed the "to" to "too" which was a typo BTW. If I was smart enough to label you an elitist then I probably don't go "stumping through trailer parks" either. I'll resist labeling you for what you appear to be..

However, just to enlighten you, if that's possible, we have appointment setters in addition to us also picking up the phone and setting appts. We use DM leads, turning 65 and non-responders... what's that you got over there... God Himself whisper in your ear whom you should sell to?
Last I checked I got paid the same on an MA regardless if they lived in the trailer parks or under the bridges...

God, I wish I can move up and start getting clients in the trailer parks, it get cold under them bridges...
- In the U.S., men have slightly less than a 1 in 2 lifetime risk of developing cancer.

- In the U.S., women have a little more than a 1 in 3 lifetime risk of developing cancer.
Does that mean that women are in a slight better position than men? Or is it that they stand much lower chance of getting it? Pls help me understand it!

I mainly sell Quality of Life Insurance which covers stuff like cancer, heart attack, and stroke. If my client says they have a history of cancer though I sure recommend the cancer plan as well. I have known many people with cancer and it gets pricy. In fact a guy I know well just got pancreatic cancer about a month ago, good thing for him he had purchased a cancer policy.