Captive Agents Over 6 Figures?

You can make 6 figures being captive or independent. Heck, you can make 6 figures selling used cars.

Many do not because they are thinking about making 6 figures and not going out and doing the work that will result in them making 6 figures.

I know some captive agents making 6 figures at Humana in the Marketpoint side.
Its a good way to pass the time. The OP just wants to make sure the captive agency will let him make stick figures instead of prospecting.

Actually, I just went through a horrific time, where I nearly lost everything including my life, and I am just now getting back into an industry that I love. I am contracted through FIG for several carriers, and REALLY enjoy being involved with them as an independent, however, I am starting over financially and just can't swing an office and everything by myself right now. Also, my wife and I are expecting our first child, so now isn't the best time to go rogue with no income (at least until the policy count builds up) SO, I am going to work at A.G.L.A. and bust ass until I get the bank account back up to par. BUT if I am making really good money by say year 3 ($75000+) then I will stay there until I finish my degree in finance and investments at least. But maybe I'll be a lifer with them, i don't know.

I didn't really plan to leave Western & Southern, and I left a ton of money in my commission pool when I left, but I couldn't handle the foot on my neck. I have made it CLEAR with my new office that I WILL NOT work there if they micro manage the way W&S did, and have been assured that as long as I produce, I can do as I please. Funny because producing was the easy part at W&S. It was all the damn reporting that got to me... "oh, so you sold three policies today, but how many dials did you make, how many appointments did you set?" ect.....

I just wanted to see if it is possible to make a substantial income without being independent ( in the long run)

Thanks for all the posts and info!!!!!!!!:biggrin:
