Case Help! Who Can Do?

Aetna and UH-Not available here in my home state of Massachusetts. What about TA? UHL? Americo? Assurity? Anyone?

TA should work as long as Warfarin was prescribed more than 2 years out and no change.
heart attack 5 years ago-had 2 stents put in

meds-lisinopril, hydroxychloroquine, atorvastatin, folic acid, oxycodone, warfarin

Do we assume correctly:

1. Lisinopril is for Hypertension and not Congestive Heart Failure?
2. Hydroxychloroquine and Oxycodone are prescribed for Rheumatoid Arthritis and not for Systemic Lupus?
3. Both Lisinopril and Warfarin were first filled over 2 years ago?

If the answers are Yes, Foresters will issue Level coverage.