Change Address


1000 Post Club
An acquaintance of mine said that they only way for him to change his mailing address was to re-apply for his Obamacare coverage. This sounded crazy to me...but all I do is Medicare so I thought I'd ask the forum. Is this true? Any "shortcuts"?

Unfortunately, I don't have details. He may be moving states (in which case I'd understand him having to reapply), or he may be just moving down the street...

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Carriers have told me that address changes go through They can call in the change to the toll free #, or if the agent has the new 365 day authorization to access the client's account, the agent could do it. Interesting that a plan cancellation request goes direct to the carrier.
Address change at does update both records, which is a good thing, however imperfect the system.
To elaborate on York's response, carriers have told me multiple times that they may not change information for on-exchange business. It must be submitted via the exchange (website, support number, etc). There is functionality in there to allow you to change that information.

If an individual chooses to terminate their plan mid-year, they would not be allowed to re-apply with a new address because they won't have an SEP. I'd advise not to do that.
regtap release from a few weeks ago allow the consumer to change addresses now with the carrier provided it does not move the client to a new geo area where an SEP was triggered. Call the carrier and change it, if they say no go above them. Im sure someone on here that keeps all those regs someplace other than their head like me may post the reg
I seem to get related info on RegTap. Anyone else? I wonder if there is some sort of tweak to only get info related to the Marketplace.