Chargebacks, Health Insurance & Other FE Tidbits!

Hey man, to chime in on your health question, Somarco and Sportsnut were spot on (imagine that), group is going to be more expensive for you than indy assuming you dont have any medical conditions or expensive meds.

Smart Sense with upgraded RX at $6k deduct is $142 for a 34 yr old. That and an accident policy would be something I'd look at for the typical 30 something. Thats just me, though, the only medical costs I've ever had were physicals and stitches/twisted ankles and such. Some of what makes sense is your lifestyle. Healthnet has some stuff under $100 if you wanna go cheap.

Give Dave Fluker a call, he'll get you set up. You do want to talk to an agent, though. Some of the policies these days are designed for the uninformed (ehealth) shopper- ie, low deductibles, but $2k 'copay' for going to the hospital.
Wow- you are a poster child for today's epidemic of "relativism." In other words NOTHING is wrong, or unethical unless: 1) I get caught and 2) unless I FEEL like it is.

Whoever told you to look in the mirror told you correctly.:1frown:

Ur just a *** who's jumping on JD's side to seek his approval (not that JD said what you're saying here at all) without even reading what I wrote! If you only want to read what u want & make up stuff, go do it with someone else to be accepted. I never said or implied #1 or 2 above....INFACT I said the very opposite, and said I will try to find a better way & correct that part of my presentation if/when it ever comes up again. I NEVER said it wasnt a lie, I said (in my opinion) ALL lies aren't the same!!
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I'm sure there some Bankers Life agents and some CL agents out there that say anything to get a sale. I know of one company that tells prospects that they are underwriters.

If you want to be in that group nothing is stopping you. As for seeking validation I wasn't referring myopically to just this thread. Nor am I clarifying anything you said. I said it "seems to me" that's what you are doing/saying. That is my opinion based on not only this thread, but other threads and posts and private messages.

As for my being wrong, it happens more times than I care to admit. I obviously was wrong about you.

^^^ Ditto...I didnt know having an opinion that differs then yours makes me unethical. If thats the case, so be it!

I simple asked about what I was saying about DOB was wrong? U guys said it was wrong, I said ok Ill change it & asked for help on it. But no one mentions or addresses or even acknowledges I said that & Im willing to make that right, not 1 person. Fine- pick & choose the parts u want to reply to. I then said SEPARATELY, I do not think all lies are the same in my opinion, but somehow that qualifies me as someone willing to "do anything to get a sale". If you believe telling a person to lie on an app to get 1st day coverage is the SAME as telling them if they wait they will pay $5-10 more (when its only $2-3)...then we agree to disagree!
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Hey man, to chime in on your health question, Somarco and Sportsnut were spot on (imagine that), group is going to be more expensive for you than indy assuming you dont have any medical conditions or expensive meds.

Smart Sense with upgraded RX at $6k deduct is $142 for a 34 yr old. That and an accident policy would be something I'd look at for the typical 30 something. Thats just me, though, the only medical costs I've ever had were physicals and stitches/twisted ankles and such. Some of what makes sense is your lifestyle. Healthnet has some stuff under $100 if you wanna go cheap.

Give Dave Fluker a call, he'll get you set up. You do want to talk to an agent, though. Some of the policies these days are designed for the uninformed (ehealth) shopper- ie, low deductibles, but $2k 'copay' for going to the hospital.

Thanks for being helpful (you too SportsNut)...i was hoping maybe by joining some type of insurance group/fraternity/etc would allow me to get health coverage cheaper. Best quote I got was $240/mo and I rarely (besides check up) ever go to the doctor. I may go with a discount plan then instead.

Much appreciated!
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Ok, I did ask about the DOB thing Ive used a few times & it seems the concensus here is ALL lies are ALL the same!! While I will wholeheartedly disagree, I did ask for your guys opinions & I will try to come up with a better rebuttal to that.

The reason I disagree is if u 100% believe that^^^ above then what you're saying is ANY salesmen whos ever said ANY of the following is also unethical:

1) Client- "Cant u give me the info over the phone instead of dropping by?" Agent- "No, I need to meet u face to face..." (cause he knows he wont get a sale over the phone is unethical cause its a lie!

I can't give it to them over the phone because it is not the process I choose to use.. I cannot show them my presentation over the phone.. I do need to meet them face to face..

2) Agent at the door- "Im sorry for just dropping by but I was in the area helping another client" (even if he wasnt, he was just in the area) is unethical, its a lie.

If I weren't just "in the area" it would be a lie and I wouldn't tell them that. I never use that anyway.. I want the client to think they are important enough for me to make a special effort to see them.

3) If asked if thats the best price by the client & the agent says "Yes" cause its the best price HE/SHE has is unethical too. (Greg, dont u even tell me this hasnt come up with you either, cause I know it has)

I never tell a client that I have the best price.. It will come back to bite you. I have shown them that I am shopping their plan with the companies I have and tell them it is the best price "I have available".

4) A lot of agents are trained (inc. me) when the client has health issues to say something to the effect of "Ya know Mr Jones, a lot of companies wouldn't even insure you, but I can with our companies...." even though there's PLENTY of companies that would insure that client is unethical.

Where is the lie?.. You are not telling them that no other companies would insure them.. and a lot of companies will not insure them.

So if you're going to say "a lie is a lie" (or agree with that) then based on that, there's LOTS of agents here that are unethical. I, for one, do NOT agree with that statement!

Anyone have a better rebuttal for someone who asks whats the difference in price if their Bday passes before they buy (cause u know they wanna procrastinate on making a decision)??

If they ask, tell them what it actually is and translate it into terms of what it will cost them over a period of 10 or 20 years (depending on age) and then emphasize the possibility of a health change that would prevent them from getting it (maybe even telling them the cost of a ROP plan should that happen)

TD, you don't have to "shade" the truth to sell insurance. You have an outstanding product that people need.
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Well JD I dont know what to tell u....seems you've already made your decision & what I say doesnt matter to you, I said I wasnt dismissive.

If I were, I wouldnt have taken notes....I may have been a bit sarcastic cause I THOUGHT u guys were saying u dont get "I wanna think about it" rebuttals. I may have been wrong, but thats what I thought u & Josh were saying. The difference is I DIDNT just accuse u of meaning that like you're accusing me of being dismissive.

And lastly, I see what u guys are saying....but u keep repeating the fact that if I get that rebuttal, I did something wrong in the presentation. OK, granted I may have....but NOW I have to fix that & close it. So I have to do something and if the above scenario (I posted earlier in this thread) plays out, I might use "Lets get the policy in ya hands so u can get approved & see it & make sure its what u want" kinda close!

Hope that clears it up now!

The 10, 20, 30 day (whatever it is in your state) free look should be the absolute last ditch close.. I have use it over the years with some success but I have also had to send a few of them back for cancellation but that is not where teh problem comes in. A lot will keep it two or three months and drop it which kills your persistency..Most the time if you succeed with a free look close, you don't have a client that is committed to the plan .
The 10, 20, 30 day (whatever it is in your state) free look should be the absolute last ditch close.. I have use it over the years with some success but I have also had to send a few of them back for cancellation but that is not where teh problem comes in. A lot will keep it two or three months and drop it which kills your persistency..Most the time if you succeed with a free look close, you don't have a client that is committed to the plan .

Ok, yeah Im starting to see that from what ppl are saying, great point! So far, its only been used 2-3 times in my short FE career...but I will make it a point to make sure its a last ditch effort type of thing, thanks!
TD, I do not agree with you on your opinion all lies aren't the same ("yes Honey, that dress looks great on you" excepted), I do give you credit for the fact you said you would change based upon the opinions expressed by others.
TD, I do not agree with you on your opinion all lies aren't the same ("yes Honey, that dress looks great on you" excepted), I do give you credit for the fact you said you would change based upon the opinions expressed by others.

Hey thats fine....thats why theres a forum right? So ppl can voice their opinions. And thanks for seeing that, no one else sees that part...Im not perfect, Im trying to get better.

But hey rousemark....if u lie & tell ya wife u didnt cheat on her (when u did) vs u told her she didnt look fat, when maybe she did....thats the SAME to u??
Hey thats fine....thats why theres a forum right? So ppl can voice their opinions. And thanks for seeing that, no one else sees that part...Im not perfect, Im trying to get better.

But hey rousemark....if u lie & tell ya wife u didnt cheat on her (when u did) vs u told her she didnt look fat, when maybe she did....thats the SAME to u??

Lying to a client to get a sale and lying to your wife to save your life and limb are both lies. Guess it comes down to motivation. The best way to avoid the first example you give is to not cheat on her.. As for the second... well .... my wife and I have been married for 46 years. :)
TD, it seems as though you are off to a really good start. Like all of us you will need to adjust as you go forward. In reading the comments I agree with some and disagree with others. But my opinion really does not matter. You need to take the parts that work for you and your business, as none of us is going to write you a check.

I think you will see a general consensus in the advise you are getting. Most of it comes from trial and error. I have used some of those "closes" but I have found that the truth is just easier. And as someone else mentioned it is a slippery slope when you start graying the truth. Also, my clients are getting me. I am worth a few dollars more.

Keep up the good work.

Lying to a client to get a sale and lying to your wife to save your life and limb are both lies. Guess it comes down to motivation. The best way to avoid the first example you give is to not cheat on her.. As for the second... well .... my wife and I have been married for 46 years. :)

Ok, lets make them both related to clients....lying on an app to get a person 1st day coverage when they dont qualify for it or saying it IS 1st day coverage (to make a sale) when in fact its ROP is the SAME to you as what I admitted doing??

Before someone re-words what Im saying (appears to happen a lot here)...Im admitting neither should be done, but I DONT admit they are the same to me!
Ok, lets make them both related to clients....lying on an app to get a person 1st day coverage when they dont qualify for it or saying it IS 1st day coverage (to make a sale) when in fact its ROP is the SAME to you as what I admitted doing??

Before someone re-words what Im saying (appears to happen a lot here)...Im admitting neither should be done, but I DONT admit they are the same to me!

OK.. I will ask a question.. Is it OK to lie to the client but not OK to lie to the company? ( I know you say neither should be done)

We have about beaten this horse to death.. :spinny:
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