Chris and Leads Connection

I agree but EFES sneds their mail by 1st class. As for what Toby said about the wording, he is using the newer EFES leads that are similar to LC's piece.

I still use the old EFES leads that say "life insurance" on them. That's going to account for some of the difference.

But you hear agent from everywhere sayingf that LC is getting a better return for them. You may be right about the data. I haven't done my own mail in over 5 years now. I'm certainly out of touch with the nuts and bolts of how it works.

JD, you've always said the lead returns are dismal in your area. If you do decide to do a drop with Chris, let us know how it goes. In your case, the $28 deal might be the best deal!
I'm still using EFES until my supply runs out. I had them send everything they had about 10 days ago and that was 50 leads. They are sending me what ever comes in now as soon as it comes in. I got 3 leads last week. So it's about done.

But those 53 leads are a good month's supply for me.

It's got my schedule all screwy now too. I'm not doing the Tues and Thurs thing right now since the leads were all over the place when I got those 50 in. 8 in one county, 6 in another, 4 in another and so on. I'm doing now what Biggin used to, {maybe still does?}, I'm setting appointments in the morning to run that afternoon. I was in one county yesterday, a different one today planning on a different one tomorrow and thurs.

Hopefully once I get going with Travis and Scott in Sept I can get things back to normal.

Thats crazy JD, cause his mailer is almost exactly (if not exactly) what EFES sends....but everyone says his returns are better.

He doesnt like me right now, cause Ive asked a lot of questions, but havent submitted an order....cause its hard when Im still paying EFES for leads.

But I cant wait to use him soon!
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EFES will mail some postcard pieces first class, but the pieces in envelopes are mailed presorted, standard rate - postage 26.6 cents. Received one on 7/2. Reply envelope address is: 11551 Forest Central Drive, Ste. 200, Dallas TX 75243.

That's them. I should have said that I am still using the ones mailed 1st class. They wanted me to switch a few months ago to the more generic lead because of the low returns here. Travis went ballistic on them about it and I didn't have to switch.
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JD, you've always said the lead returns are dismal in your area. If you do decide to do a drop with Chris, let us know how it goes. In your case, the $28 deal might be the best deal!

I'm going to be getting my leads from fexcontracting.
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I am a part-time agent and have done two mailers with Chris. I did almost the exact area 3 months apart. Number 27 yielded only 3 responses and Number 34 (which they said was the one with the highest response rate) returned 36, yes that's right 36.
I should mention that they discouraged me from using 27 and said I might only get a few responses. It was quite specific and I wanted to try it. They were right and I was wrong. I mailed both times to a very rural area.
I just paid for my third week of mail yesterday. I'm anxiously awaiting my first returns from week 1. I used the E-64. Everyone has talked about the great returns but she's anyone have any stats on how these leads have converted to sales? The E-64 sounds pretty generic but it was what Chris recommended and I will go with what the expert tells me!
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I just paid for my third week of mail yesterday. I'm anxiously awaiting my first returns from week 1. I used the E-64. Everyone has talked about the great returns but she's anyone have any stats on how these leads have converted to sales? The E-64 sounds pretty generic but it was what Chris recommended and I will go with what the expert tells me!

Should be does anyone have stats ... damn auto correct!
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Every mailer I have done has returned better than anyone else I have ever used. I used a less generic mailer for Med supps and am waiting on the returns. You can't go wrong with Chris for any mailings.
I agree but EFES sends their mail by 1st class. As for what Toby said about the wording, he is using the newer EFES leads that are similar to LC's piece.

I still use the old EFES leads that say "life insurance" on them. That's going to account for some of the difference.

But you hear agent from everywhere sayingf that LC is getting a better return for them. You may be right about the data. I haven't done my own mail in over 5 years now. I'm certainly out of touch with the nuts and bolts of how it works.

Are the newer efes leads more generic than the previous ones. Why are they switching?