Christian Health Ministries

Actually it's just a check-box on the regular IRS form 1040 (Line 61). It asks, "Did you have full year Health coverage for 2014?". Check "Yes", and you're done.

That's only for 2014.

Starting in 2015, everyone will get a 1095 A, B or C. Depending on where you coverage is located. (On Exchange, Off Exchange or Employer)
That's only for 2014.

Starting in 2015, everyone will get a 1095 A, B or C. Depending on where you coverage is located. (On Exchange, Off Exchange or Employer)

Thanks for the info. What happened to the aca paper reduction initiative?
There is a form people can sign that 'health insurance' is against my religion much like the hardship 'I can't afford it' form. That's how these organizations are getting away with it.

Actually, when Sebelius was handing out Obamacrap exemptions like they were campaign contributions the sharing organizations made application. There were over 1200 groups and companies given exemptions. Many had union connections but there were also companies in the voting district of key Democrat representatives and Senators that asked for and received special favors.

Most of the exemptions were temporary but some, such as the religious groups, were able to curry a permanent exemption, at least until it is revoked.