CIGNA MedSupp Experience

Pretty much everybody in this general area right in here. Anything below the stereo and on this side of the bicentennial glasses. Anything between the ashtrays and the thimble. Anything in this three inches right in here in this area. That includes the Chiclets, but not the erasers.

"Pretty much everybody" definitely DOESN'T do that. Not even close. Last numbers I saw from CSG (and this has been a while), was about 70% of seniors who purchase a med supp plan, purchase Plan F. Definitely not "pretty much everybody". Definitely. Definitely not. Not. Definitely. Definitely not. I'm an excellent driver. Driver.

I'd read 55% take F. Either way it's more than all of the others combined. Maybe the trend is changing with N on the market, more sophisticated age-ins, and better agents? But your point stands; we're far from pretty much everybody.
I'd read 55% take F. Either way it's more than all of the others combined. Maybe the trend is changing with N on the market, more sophisticated age-ins, and better agents? But your point stands; we're far from pretty much everybody.

That's probably pretty accurate today; that 70% number I read was a few years ago as I remember.
They are very competitive in my area so i want to carry them but the new language of "pattern" is more palatable.

I knew that handle of yours looked familiar!

And I agree, much better language in the newer version of the contract. We're selling the heck out of CIGNA right now, so far so good.
The first app I put with Cigna was denied because of a medication not listed on the app. The rx was prozac and the lady never took it. She said it was prescribed years ago. They didn't ask about it in the phone interview, just sent a letter denying coverage. Philly American issued it without a hiccup. If I have this happen a few more times they will be out of my bag.