Civil War? Nah!

Yup, the biggest lie the commies always try to push is that Hitler was "far right," to try and associate him with Republicans. He was in the "National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party." I mean, it's right in the damn title. 🙃 But, commies gonna lie, of course,

Just as Trump and his MAGA cult have taken over what was known as the Republican party so too did Hitler take over the National Socialst party.

In both cases, the leader then sought to lead the party through authoritarian means.

The Democrats are now the party of individual liberty. MAGA is a totalitarian movement.
Dana Carvey Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Joe Biden has been in both rapid physical and cognitive decline for a couple years. Yet the left buried their heads and obeyed. Then the debate. So then the knives came out. Harris did so poorly during the primary in 2020 she had to drop out. But, Biden had promised DEI over qualified. So that is what we got. Had the DNC allowed a primary this go round maybe their would be a real choice.

We are back to 2016 with the DNC dressing up the disliked and putting lipstick on it.

The RNC hated / hates Trump.
2016 is Obama's fault. And ma8ybe the DNC backdooring Bernie. 2024 is squarely a referendum on Biden Harris.

I am not happy that these are my options.

Are we closer to World War III today than 2020?
Harris is no Commander in Chief.

Edit: I was a Tulsi fan during the 2020 primary. She was a Democrat Presidential hopeful.