Civil War? Nah!

Yea, this is genuinely the dumbest thing I have ever read in my entire life. Thanks for the laugh though. The party that's trying to give everyone more money and individual prosperity is the "totalitarian movement." Holy shit is this an Idiocracy. Turn off MessNBC and Commie News Network (CNN) and go touch grass.

It is the actual truth.

You believe what you want to believe. And by all means vote for the person who best reflects your own personal values.

NBC news poll out. In 2020 during covid and Trump admin and at start of biden election, 60% thought the country was headed in wrong direction. Now it's 65% in 2024. But somehow people and NBC believe the current VP will change the direction? I don't understand idiocy or libs or the leftist media
It is the actual truth.

You believe what you want to believe. And by all means vote for the person who best reflects your own personal values.

View attachment 14872
I'm not voting for a person, I'm voting for policy. This isn't a popularity, or who has the best personality, contest. I'm voting for what policy issues best align with my own interests, and the best interests of the country. Period. End of story. They could run a walnut and I'd still vote for it over that treasonous communist traitor Kamala. We only get two choices, and my choice will NEVER be that scum-sucking bimbo.
I'm not voting for a person, I'm voting for policy. This isn't a popularity, or who has the best personality, contest. I'm voting for what policy issues best align with my own interests, and the best interests of the country. Period. End of story. They could run a walnut and I'd still vote for it over that treasonous communist traitor Kamala. We only get two choices, and my choice will NEVER be that scum-sucking bimbo.
I'm going to put you down as undecided.