Civil War? Nah!

Yes, he has called for actual price controls rather than fines for businesses found to be raising prices merely to take advantage of a global pandemic.

The problem so many of our MAGA friends here is that they no longer think for themselves. The listen to what Fox or Newsmax or whatever right wing "influencer" they worship is saying and then repeat those lies and misinformation as though it were handed down by God himself.
So, you're saying that you don't want the MAGA hat I ordered for you?
1) Unless you are Donald tRump hisowndamnself I didn't call you a low IQ individual I called your cult leader a low IQ individual.

Meanwhile, only if you are steeped in right wing propaganda can you think the country is in the tank these last four years with record jobs, record low levels of unemployment, 401K's at all time highs along with the stock market.

The only thing she had sugggested in the past is medicare for all with a public option for health insurance. She never suggested abolishing any industry as a whole, including insurance. Unfortunately, she is a regular corporate Dem at heart so she really doesn't believe in medicare for all.

Second, she nowhere called for price controls. She did call for regulations that would reign in price gouging.

Again, if you only get your misinformation from Fox, Newsmax, et all right-wing propaganda sources, you'll be likely to believe all manner of lies.

Trump is done, stick a fork in him. In reality he has 0% chance of winning.

Madame President in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...
Holy shit, you are in DEEP DEEP with the propaganda. LOL. And you are completely and utterly clueless about absolutely everything you just spouted off. Let's dig in, shall we?? ......

Record jobs?? FALSE. And most of them are SHITTY jobs, and not career jobs. Or they're temporary jobs, terrible gig jobs, or government jobs that do not help the economy expand and lead to prosperity. Having jobs that take taxpayers money does not help the economy at all.

Little do you know, they also have to revise the job statistics every single year because they massively overreport them to try and make themselves look good, and then they quietly go back in and deflate the numbers. Feel free to use whatever is left of your brain and research it.

I'll give you a starting point....this is from your media "God," too....

Unemployment is a ridiculous statistic. Once someone isn't collecting unemployment insurance anymore, they are not counted as unemployed anymore, even though they still are.

The stock market is being artificially propped up by a handful of stocks. NVIDIA being one of them. There is no market-wide success due to actual prosperity. Evil hedgefunds (fueled by the Biden/Harris administration) have used everyone's retirement money to basically gamble like drunken sailors, and it's actually going to implode soon.

And no, she has literally called for a COMPLETE AND TOTAL abolishment of private insurance. Her exact words....."Let's get rid of all that...let's move on."

I barely even watch news. I get my information from all different sources, not "Brainwashed Boomer Central" mainstream media, which is where you clearly get your news from, because you're absolutely brainwashed and clueless. I'm a free thinker, and I used to be a Democrat up until 5 years ago. So, believe me, you're barking up the wrong tree with this bullshit.

Practice saying "President Trump," once again, because all the commie lies are all out in the open. Nobody believes any of you braindead assholes anymore.
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I ordered these instead, but I thank you for thinking of me. YOu can give mine to wino.:

View attachment 14906

View attachment 14907
Cool. And you send me the clean Red, White and Blue one. Doesn't look like it was made for people that get their hands dirty.

I'll put them on either side of this one I bought on DC National Mall in 21.

I think mine makes more sense.20240924_123539.jpg
What's behind curtain #1 ? we may never find out. What are you dems scared of, get her out of the basement, answer some tough questions.

The new policies, which have not been previously reported and could be announced in Pittsburgh on Wednesday, come as undecided voters continue to ask for more information about how Harris would help them economically if she were elected president in November, including those in critical swing states, the sources said.

Harris, speaking to reporters on Sunday after Reuters reported the expected rollout, said she would outline her vision for the economy in a speech this week.

She added that the plan is about investing in the aspirations and ambitions of the American people while addressing the challenges they face.

The rollout would follow heated debate in Democratic circles over whether releasing more economic policies so close to election day is a smart strategy.
Yes, he has called for actual price controls rather than fines for businesses found to be raising prices merely to take advantage of a global pandemic.

The problem so many of our MAGA friends here is that they no longer think for themselves. The listen to what Fox or Newsmax or whatever right wing "influencer" they worship is saying and then repeat those lies and misinformation as though it were handed down by God himself.
I don't even watch that shit, ya goof. 🤣
Cool. And you send me the clean Red, White and Blue one. Doesn't look like it was made for people that get their hands dirty.

I'll put them on either side of this one I bought on DC National Mall in 21.

I think mine makes more sense.View attachment 14908
Oopsie - just noticed.

Trigger alert - there is an American flag in my picture.

I guess I'm racist again.
<in my Pooh voice> Oh Bother!