Clinton to offer health care plan, only $110,000,000,000 a year

"Please tell me where I need to be more objective with Hillary. Have we not known about her for nearly two decades now?" Her stance on the Iraq war and Patriot Act aren't exactly Liberal, SMAN. That's just off the top of my head. Your quote on her is taken out of context.

"Since I disagree with Hillary on many things and I voice my own opinion, I am not being objective? Give me a break." What do you expect when you put that quote in red and then say that that's how she feels on all issues. Just absurd.
Her stance on the Iraq war and Patriot Act aren't exactly Liberal, SMAN. That's just off the top of my head. Your quote on her is taken out of context.

Hillary rules for quotes out of context. Listen to what she says... absolutely nothing. She does not take a stand on much of anything but healthcare.

Last time I heard her stance on Iraq, she said something to the effect of:
"We need to immediately pull out of Iraq, but in a safe and controlled manner, to support our troops and the Iraqi government......." Basically a bunch of dribble so she can go back later and say you took what I said out of context. Of course, she was applauded, because very few heard anything but what they wanted to hear.

While I might personally believe Rush Limbaugh is a left wing liberal, it doesn't change the fact that if you look at Hillary's track record, she is for increased government spending, larger social programs, less border control, less national defense, etc. There is nothing wrong with this, it can be cured, errr, I mean, she is entitled to her opinion, and is entitled to run on her record. Don't buy into the believe she is a centrist. The overwhelming majority of America will disagree with you.


P.S. My wife tells me I don't like Hillary because she is a woman. This simply isn't true. There are several women I would vote for if they ran for president, such as Condi Rice or Elizabeth Dole. I also believe it is time for this country to have a centrist president, that has strong values that they will govern by, a role Hillary does not fit.
She voted for the Iraq War, the Patriot Act and re-upping the Patriot Act.
I may vote against her on those grounds alone.

By the way, invading countries and sustaining a war also involves massive government spending. Is Bush liberal then? Hillary is for less National defense? I'd need to see specifics on that.
As the previous poster suggested, if you find Hillary a Centrist you must be dinning with Move On and the like. Listen, Hillary is simply no good and I have nothing but distain for anyone dumb enough to fall for the Clinton Crap.

found at: Hillary Clinton on the Issues

Hillary Clinton is a Hard-Core Liberal.



Highly respected website: you can see the philosophy of how they got the outcome. You can also see every runner's (most controversial) voting decisions for the past 10 years.
While I disagree on many political issues with NewMind(I am more conservative), knowing him personally I can vouch for the fact that his political knowledge is almost second to none. I agree with him in principle that a major candidate (the front runner for sure) like Hillary is going to have hands in so many corporate tills that it would be virtually impossible for her to truly be "liberal" while running for or maintaining office. However, what she has done in the past, certainly after viewing this interesing website and included "rating graph", would certainly be catagorized by me as more "liberal".

I just think she sucks, personally. If a video came out tomorrow of her giving Fred T. a BJ while riding on Guliani's shoulders at an NRA convention, I'd still think she was a annoying wench.
It is like the idiots that fall for the Corporation is Conservative and only give too conservative candidates! That is basically showing your ars' and openly admitting you don't know what the HILL you are talking about!

Corporations, by nature are supportive of the liberal agenda or should I say Big Government, think about it for a moment? Now, in todays political circles Big Corporate interest give fairly evenly to both parties and major candidates, they will give a percentage more to those that are in power, as in the level of giving by corporations have shifted to Dem's when viewing congressional giving. Or in other words, corporations protect their interest, which is neither left or right. Yet, they thrive in Big Government economy and will openly support it as in the talking points of the majority of CEO's and Board Members, much like Warren Buffet. In fact the only real big Corporation that comes to mind being conservative would be Walmart. Yet have you look at the other big stores, Internet and Computers such as Gates and Steve, or maybe you want to look at Ford, GM and Chrysler.

Now if you talk Small Business, you have a point. They give strongly to the Republicans more so than the Democrats.
Unfortunately there is no republican in the race that can beat Hillary at this point. Guiliani is considered the front runner he and seemed good from afar but the more on I focus on him, the more he seems like a weird puppy. Not only is he a liberal but he just seems like a weirdo when he is asked a question. He stammers and fluffs around and his eyes pop out like bella lugosa. Also that hag that he married will never fly with the public as a first lady. McCain's race never came together and will sputter around for a while and then die like edwards. Romney is a straight arrow but he can be boring, aside from the mormon thing that weighs him down. Fred Thompson has appeal because people are looking for someone who is not the others but that is not much to run on and he gives the conservatives someone to vote for but the general public wants someone against the war.

In my mind the right man for the job is Condoleeza Rice but that is not going to happen and she is too smart to run as a VP with those clowns who have half her IQ and experience. Bottomline: Hillary will get torn limb to limb in the general election but still be elected. Nothing like having Bill back in the White House with more time on his hands.

So James,
You said:
"It is like the idiots that fall for the Corporation is Conservative and only give too conservative candidates! That is basically showing your ars' and openly admitting you don't know what the HILL you are talking about!"

No clue what you're saying here due to extremely poor grammar.

Is Bush then a liberal? You said that Corps. thrive in a big government economy. Does that make the Bush administration Big government since he's somewhat favorable to them? What about unconstitutional wire tapping, major war spending and the Patriot Act? Is that small gov't?
Your broad concept that big government is a liberal thing needs to be re-examined. Ever heard of Mussolini, Hitler or Franco? Big right wing gov't.

Issues are complex. Everything isn't just narrowed down to Big Gov't = Liberal and Small Gov't = conservative. And please re-state your quote above in regular english so I can better understand how you were trying to insult me there.:err:
Getting this back on track . . .

Hillary made this comment in Iowa. "She said she could envision a day when "you have to show proof to your employer that you're insured as a part of the job interview:

I am required to have a license and E&O to perform my job. Many employers require proof of citizenship, a valid drivers license, a picture ID, a Social Security card and proof of auto insurance.

Why not proof of health insurance?

If you are a foreign national here on a visa you must have proof of health insurance. Why have a lower standard for our citizens?
Interesting site. It is also interesting that Hillary had the voting record and other points below from this site and they still call her hard core liberal. How they weighted all this needs some further reading on my part.

Voted YES on loosening restrictions on cell phone wiretapping. (Oct 2001)
Rated 60% by the ACLU, indicating a mixed civil rights voting record. (Dec 2002)
Op-ed: Voted no on flag-burning to build centrist credential. (May 2006) "to build centrist credential?" Is this site reading her mind now? Did she say that's what she was doing? This site may have more bias than I originally thought.
Voted YES on reauthorizing the PATRIOT Act. (Mar 2006)
Consistently supported tough anti-terrorism measures. (Oct 2005)
Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
Hillary's paradox: she's not as liberal as people think. (May 2006)
As Goldwater Girl in 1960s, canvassed Chicago slums. (Jun 2007)
Voted YES on increasing tax deductions for college tuition. (May 2001)
Critic of Iraq war, but won't recant 2002 vote in its favor. (Nov 2006)
Regrets Bush's handling of war, but not her war vote. (Oct 2006)
Voted YES on $86 billion for military operations in Iraq & Afghanistan. (Oct 2003)
Voted YES on authorizing use of military force against Iraq. (Oct 2002)