- 1,641
Keep in mind that the number inevitably increases with volume.
If you write 20 you lose 2 that's 4%
You write 100 you loses 10, that's 10%
Even though you're still losing 2 out of every 20, the percentage increases correct?
You can't tell me that if you wrote 150 policies last year you only lost 3. (your 2%)
Write 150 and lose 30 of them and you're at 20% loss
Is there anyone who wouldn't take keeping 120 on the books?!?!?
Sure, as volume increases so will drops. Now where is the breakeven point between high volume/higher drops and high volume fewer drops. This is the point of diminishing returns.
A little math help....
20 x .10 = 2
50 x .04 = 2