Great points Rick, sman, Bob & jd. I was starting to feel bad about feeling good about what I was selling and being paid.
The MA's are such a simple product and the pay is good compared to almost every other type of health insurance. That is what attracted so many, so quickly, to the business. It is discouraging to sit in many of the certification meetings and see some of the types of agents I am associating with.
Weed em out. Levelized commissions and a different enrollment period without Lock In would certainly go a long way towards cleansing the sales force and improving the service we can offer to our clients. I wonder how many clients ever hear from their agents again, except to flip them the next AEP/OEP ?
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The relationships, referrals and cross selling opportunities I have made the last 2 months will help sustain me throughout the next 12 months with the other products I offer. It is not just about the relatively small commission I made during AEP, it is about the relationships I made. I wouldn't bother doing MA's if not for that.
The MA's are such a simple product and the pay is good compared to almost every other type of health insurance. That is what attracted so many, so quickly, to the business. It is discouraging to sit in many of the certification meetings and see some of the types of agents I am associating with.
Weed em out. Levelized commissions and a different enrollment period without Lock In would certainly go a long way towards cleansing the sales force and improving the service we can offer to our clients. I wonder how many clients ever hear from their agents again, except to flip them the next AEP/OEP ?
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The relationships, referrals and cross selling opportunities I have made the last 2 months will help sustain me throughout the next 12 months with the other products I offer. It is not just about the relatively small commission I made during AEP, it is about the relationships I made. I wouldn't bother doing MA's if not for that.
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