Sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong, again, maybe you can figure it out, newbie? I'm not going to hand you any info like your wife does all the time.
You are a rude obnoxious jerk. You will be back selling cars or vacuums in another year after the MA gravy train dries up. Why would you make disparaging remarks about me or my wife? Your intelligence is questionable and you really are an Azzbroker. Keep on flippin while the flippin is good. I am so sorry you are only getting a reduced commission and only half on top of that. Not.

Commissions actually did go up for us here in the KC area for what is hands down the best plan for our clients, the Coventry PPO. Last year it was a flat $400. This year it is $525/$260. As most of you can compute, if you sell age in and new to MA in a slightly higher pct than MA to MA flips, you will average more money than you did last year, PLUS the renewal rate is higher than it was in the past. Yes, it is capped at an additional 5 years, but so what? Keep adding new clients every year to make up for the ones that fall off after 5 years, it is something I can live with. To be attacked because I don't think that is such a bad deal seems a little extreme, after all we are just exchanging ideas and opinions. Depending on where you are, your commission issues could be different, but here in KC we are better off than we were last year. Sorry about your situation in AZ, but that hardly gives AZZBroker reason to personally attack me or bring my wife into his childish comebacks.

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