CMS Will Allow Initial Commissions for PDP Replacement

You fail to understand that health care finance reform is an idea who's time has come, and it is very hard to defeat that.
Why not try to turn back the clock to a time when we had segregation, poll taxes, literacy tests, coat-hanger abortions, the military draft, male-only voting, banned labor unions, and on and on.
You would be better advised to back some reform where you still have a shot at making an income. Perhaps a plan where the carriers are dumped but agents contract with the government to sell GI plans or supps for a 4% commission.
On the other hand you could be smart and simply learn to sell life, LTC, DI, and annuity... or get a 6 and 63 and be a registered rep or RIA.
Health insurance sales is going the way of the buggy whip. Get over it and move on... or move out. This train is coming to the end of the line... and the schedule has been canceled.Today 01:28 AM

I disagree AL3. I'm not trying to "turn back the clock". Health care reform is a must, but to make a change, just to make one, does not make it a good idea. A plan will not pass cutting out private insurers. Health insurance agents are not going to be a thing of the past soon as you believe. Also, a public plan option will not eliminate private insurance and independent agents altogether. You need to do some research on what Congress is working on currently. Every plan with support includes space for private insurers.
Thanks for the business advice, but I already sell many other products and make a good living doing it. I am just unwilling to let our country make an ill advised move without some sort of say, however small that say may be.
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I agree with JDEasy. Show me the Money!!

I fired off an email to one of the companies and stated that they better not count on hitting their numbers this coming year if they skunk the agents on commissions. News is getting around and we're all loading up with med supp contracts. We will be their competition.

VocAl, determined and pro-active.