- 19,813
Ok I was worried what I had learned all this time about income fitlers wasnt true cause I listen & even have written several things JD has posted here down....but I just spoke to Shannon at MIGWarriors, 1 of EFES top agency's and he told me the default search criteria is 57-79yrs old & 0-$50k income. He also said they have the ability to change it now if you want, so that's pretty close to what I said....I guess they don't filter out ppl below 15k as I thought!
Alan B. says 15-50k (for Calif), so maybe that's where I got that from, and I think I read an article or a post here saying not to go after the really poor class cause they wont pay after a month or so. But I'll stick to the EFES default, they know better then me!!
Just wanted to clear that up JD, thats what he told me!
I meant they don't filter on the low end. They may filter for the high end although I have gotten a few very folks that send in lead cards.
I don't know what the age default is as I've never asked. I don't believe it's age 57, though. I just at my leads from Sat. and almost half were under age 57. I also get many over the age of 79. They will not give you a lead credit ages under 57 or over age 79. It doesn't make sense that they would have those defaults.
I will say that whatever Shannon says is what he believes. He might be wrong about it, but he sure isn't intetionally misleading you.
Alan B. is a shill for LH. His credability went out the window upon learning that.