5 years today since start of rehabilitation. I think we all have to realize that we will never get our money back. Lindberg with his army of lawyers and aided by an indifferent court system, will figure out how to delay this until we are all deceased.
Thank you. Good Bye.
his bribery scheme looks like a spiders web. our money spread out has greased the right fingers in his caseIMG_0340.jpeg
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Some of our money even ended up in trumps pocket, those pardons didn’t come cheap


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Our case involves a lot of political corruption, even the current NC senator is involved


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The only people that benefit from a liquidation are the annuitants. The NC insurance commissioner is trying to protect the insurance companies that will eventually end up paying for the lack of oversight of the previous commissioner. The previous commissioner allowed Lindberg to raid the coffers by allowing up to 40% of funds to be reinvested into Lindbergh's other companies. That is the only reason that Lindberg moved his companies from Florida to NC was to take advantage of the loose regulations. I feel it is ironic the liquidation now is held up in the courts that have have nobody's interest except the insurance commissioner, the insurance companies, and Lindberg in mind.
This bribery scheme goes farther than the former insurance commissioner, Lindberg bribes are unprecedented, God only knows who he paid off, just like getting out of prison early


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lindberg found guilty on May 15, when is he going to prison for 30 years. Almost 2 months elapsed, and have heard nothing. Maybe all courts are closed for the summer?
lindberg found guilty on May 15, when is he going to prison for 30 years. Almost 2 months elapsed, and have heard nothing. Maybe all courts are closed for the summer?
When you have enough money, you get to appeal the verdict through each level of the court system. This could take a year or more. Since he is a non-violent criminal (all he did was steal money from us and bribe his way to making more money) he gets to stay out of prison while the appeal is pending. I'm sure the money he has spread around to influential people will help him in his appeal. Maybe he can even get a pardon from the next NC governor?