Coming Soon-Writing Med supps & MA's online

I've only done one online, and that was Humana. Got credit and paid for it on time.

I do believe the more history Medicare Advantage Plans have behind them, here in Georgia, the more apt they are to have online capabilities. Of course, some companies will try to :bump: if you submit online. BUT, I've had no problems yet.
What companies are you using in NC online InsuranceJosh? I'm having a hard time finding MI Med supp companies online. I'm hoping that will change soon.
What companies are you using in NC online InsuranceJosh? I'm having a hard time finding MI Med supp companies online. I'm hoping that will change soon.

All the Great American Co's are online now. I dont know who would be the best in MI. Just call the TX home office and see who has good rates in your state.

If you call UTA then they should help you.

United Teacher Associates Insurance Company
Thanks, I'm licensed with them, I'll check it out. Do they provide you with your own site to enroll them online or is it one of those things where you can email them the app?
Looking at a mature market, like Kansas City, not a lot of people enroll online. By mature market, I mean that MA plans have been here for 10+ years.

Now that MA plans are more popular and more plans are available, people want guidance. Most that I have talked to want a live agent to walk them through it.

Look at the P&C world. They can enroll over the phone / online, but there are still a ton of agents out there.
Midwestbroker....yes, you are right. Most people like to have an agent explain the products to them and look at the actual brochures. However, there are some people that get online and do their research and sign up online. I'm seeing more and more seniors online. I get most of my customers from internet leads. It would be nice if I could direct them to a website also.
I looked into it, it looks like you email them the app. Do you have an actual site that you use or do you just email the app?