Companies are not altruistic.. Of course you are making money for them.. If not, then they wouldn't need you. What is wrong with America today is people sign contracts, giving their word to do things a certain way and then when things go wrong, they blame everybody but themselves when they are to blame because the were too lazy to actually read what they signed. What is wrong with America today, is people think they should not have to pay the debts they promise in advance to pay.NO! What is wrong with America today is companies like this that rob you of money that you earned! They lie to your face and dazzle you with the "opportunity" to make a lot of money with them. CORRECTION: all you're doing is making money for them. They are liars and thieves, and anyone associated with companies like this, knowing how they run, should be burned at the stake. I would like to spit on anyone associated with companies like this.