Considering a Career with MassMutual Have Some Questions for anyone that Has or Currently Works for

I would be in a small office downstairs from the main office

I never understood this part. When I interviewed with them about 10 years ago my second interview was done in a different office down the hall run by a guy with his own team. Didn't even feel like I was in a mass mutual office anymore.
DHK- I have some more questions to ask them tomorrow, such as the project 200 and some other questions such as in that 12 months how much money can I expect to make since I have loans and a car payment, but they said that they will give me some of their current clients to call on, as well as the person I met with says he gives out leads to the agents who work hard. He said that work ethic is a big thing in this business, which makes sense, I do have a great work ethic, so calling and prospecting would't be an issue for me, He said that I would have to work some Saturday's at trade shows or street fairs if I wanted to, that is what he did. I would work hard Monday-Friday to avoid Saturday's honestly but if I had to then I wouldn't mind it, anything I can do to get in front of people to be able to help them, and make good money while doing it. I have entrepreneur drive to work hard, succeed at what I have to do, and be successful. He said it is all about getting appointments from people.

I mean the only other option I have is Liberty Mutual, which I have talked about before, so unless someone has some feedback on them, other than what is on this forum, then feel free to share that.

Thank You


F&L P&C broker,

Yea I don't either but it was a nice workspace.


Vol Agent- I have to call them back today to ask them a few questions, but I will also ask that, and see what they say, but overall seem like two very nice guys, who are successful and want to help me get clients and be successful too, one of the guys is young like me, and I know that they make money off of me and also split, but thats how the business works.
DHK- I have some more questions to ask them tomorrow, such as the project 200 and some other questions such as in that 12 months how much money can I expect to make since I have loans and a car payment, but they said that they will give me some of their current clients to call on, as well as the person I met with says he gives out leads to the agents who work hard. He said that work ethic is a big thing in this business, which makes sense, I do have a great work ethic, so calling and prospecting would't be an issue for me, He said that I would have to work some Saturday's at trade shows or street fairs if I wanted to, that is what he did. I would work hard Monday-Friday to avoid Saturday's honestly but if I had to then I wouldn't mind it, anything I can do to get in front of people to be able to help them, and make good money while doing it. I have entrepreneur drive to work hard, succeed at what I have to do, and be successful. He said it is all about getting appointments from people.

You are going to FAIL if you are going to fall for that song and dance. And NO I'm not kidding.

"Work ethic" means nothing without the skills to bring in new revenue. "Hard work" means NOTHING in this business if you have no skills. SKILLED effort consistently applied is how you generate RESULTS.

Do NOT confuse activity with results. That paragraph certainly is.

You should be asking about TRAINING... not leads. You should be asking how you can generate your OWN LEADS and work with people at a skill level you can have within 1-2 weeks of getting started... not working with a team to close business.

Answer this question: What is your plan if you get NO LEADS??? WHATEVER THAT is... needs to be your plan. Do NOT count on his "leads welfare" to help you pay your bills. What if it never comes?

You need a backup plan like nothing else. Remember that this business has lots of risk, and the risk is if you don't have the skills, tools, and training to do it.

I'd read this:

Then I'd start here with their video training:

And probably invest in this here for the tools:


  • thecommondenominatorofsuccess-albertengray.pdf
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In my 2nd post to you, I posted a thread on "guidance for new life agents". Did you read it?

Have you read any of the links I've posted for you? I don't post them to boast or impress you, but impress upon you some key things and to help you understand what you need to look out for - and that's you.

So far, based on my industry experience, I would RUN from "teaming", unless there was a SALARY.


Bob Ritter’s Blog #86: The #1 Reason Advisors Are NOT Getting Paid What They’re Worth

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DHK- yes I have read all of your posts, and bookmarked them, I am going to ask about training today, also I am not just looking for him to farm leads to me, I will go out and prospect to business owners as well as cold call people myself, and eventually talk to family and friends. and when you say I need to avoid me, what do you mean in your second post?

Thank You
Okay thank you I am going to call him now and ask about the training and some other things.


So I talked with the financial planner again, he said that I would be learning about the process of identifying clients, and there are a bunch of training opportunities online, mass mutual university etc. as far as getting licensed he said that depends upon me, usually takes about a month. I will be devoting a lot of time to this business output defines input.

in the 18 months I would be selling my soul- there is a slim chance of making a lot of money, that doesn't mean I wont make money just not a ton. 80% failure rate, with a 17% success rate, and that I have to decide if I want to play in the big leagues, will have to work hard, but can make money your first year. Most people fail at the first year, since it is not for them.

He says that I have the desire to do this job, I may not get business all the time, but to continue calling to get business. If I want predictability this isn't for me.

If I can survive 18 months- it is an easy way to make a lot of money. the goal is 10 appointments a week, may not always happen but that is the goal. Lastly, he told me if I want to be successful surround myself with successful people and adapt to them.
So I will most likely be going with Liberty Mutual. I need to save some money and pay down loans. My parents are happy about it, and idk ill see what happens, my plan is to do it for as short as possible just to save some money, and learn a bit, and then go to Mass, hoping they will still consider me.
DHK- I met with Guardian today, solid company overall they cover licensing and once you are on contract, which is 6 lives and 10K premium you get 2K a month to keep you going, also their payouts and renewals are good. The training they give is also very good, they have very good trainers there.

They do the NMI or project 200, and they make you pay for E&O insurance and paper when using it in the office, the only thing they didn't talk too much about was how to go about getting clients other then friends and family, but basically said that getting those people to introduce you to people you feel you can help, as well as businesses, I do have some old business lists from my time at AFLAC and I can use them since they are not owned by AFLAC.

I will ask them more about leads when I meet with them again on Friday, I will be meeting with the trainer, I will also ask them more about the comp plan, since they do give you the 2K a month or 24K a year but you are expected to earn at least 24K in FYC, if you aren't producing enough they stop it until you get caught back up again, and if you exceed what you have to they pay you extra earnings and the rest is paid at the end of the year, also the commission is released at the end of the year something called a draw. please let me know your thoughts on guardian as an option as well.
Your greatest weakness with Guardian... will be your ability to create and execute a consistent marketing plan. I will say this: I like how you're talking about them over the way you talked about MassMutual. I'd rather set someone up to be a true producer rather than on a "team" with an "artificial sense of security."

You might want to check out the thread in the cold-calling section:

I hope whirleybird doesn't mind me talking about him, but in his first year as an agent, he did over $150,000 in income at NYL and qualified for the MDRT. However, that was all primarily ONE business case - a buy/sell agreement and an executive compensation plan + new agent bonuses. He had some other cases as well, but his income was horribly inconsistent because he was trained to go after the bigger cases. Yes, the income was good, but it certainly wasn't regular or consistent.

Now, he's knocking it out of the park just talking to people that live in houses. He introduces himself and asks a few questions and schedules appointments. He outlined what he did and WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK... he sold $11,400 worth of commissions of the products he sold.

Have engaging conversations with people, talk about some of the problems you help people solve, and let them decide.

Figure out what you're willing to do and create a plan to do it. Don't worry too much about whether "Guardian approves" or not. They won't approve because they don't know how to do it. But whether you were introduced to someone, or knocked on their door... the business generated is the same.

Now, whether EVERYONE should go through the "Living Balance Sheet" process or not... that is a separate question entirely.