Contact management

I have Open Office on my home/office computer, and that has a Database program that can easily be used for what you want. It's free, and even though you download it, it's not web based. simply go to www: - The Free and Open Productivity Suite I believe.

I keep a copy on my zip drive (insert joke here), so I can have it with me no matter where I go. I'm alergic to blackberries, cranberries but not Halle Berry's.
I use ACT 2000 for my database.

I looked at YIO and liked it, but I had spent so much time getting ACT to do what I wanted it to do that I did not want to scrap it. That and all my old files were in a format that I was able to merge them into ACT without retyping all the info.

I am with Frank and John that I do not need a web based system. I had one when I was captive and hated it.
I don't have any kind of commercial data base (I keep copies of everything on my computer)
If I ever found the need for one, you can be very sure that it would not be internet based. I prefer to have my information on my hard disk, I think it is much more secure, and would be far easier to retrieve information than looking around for a wireless or an internet connection.
I was an ACT! user for years. Still have an old version (2.0 LOL) around on these laptops.

When I looked at something new, non web-based, I wanted something that would work with my Palm. I looked at YIO and was interested, but one thing caught my have to export to Outlook to synch with the Palm.

Well, that got me to thinking, if I have to export to Outlook to synch, why not just use Outlook to begin with?

So, I am currently using Outlook 2007 for all e-mail, contact tracking, calendar and so on. I find it works well for me, can be customized and synchs directly to my Palm so the data is backed up on my Tungsten.

I understand Microsoft makes an add-on for Outlook that makes it even better for CRM. Have just begun to investigate that.

If I weren't so into the work I did on Outlook, I would likely buy YIO.
I really like EssentialPim. You can buy the Pro Portable version and throw it on a thumb drive and have your info with you wherever you go. It will do all kinds of reminders and cross references. It syncs with Outlook. And you can attach PDF's and the like to your customers contact pages. Worked really well for me.
I haven't had a headache in about 24 hours. :D

I'm sure that is because the hair is starting to grow on your palms by now.

As for YIO and CRM and what is best...

If you sit in your office all day like you do and never go anywhere a desktop program is all you need. For that matter, 3x5 cards is all you need!

If you are on planes, trains, and automobiles like I am, you want to be connected.

It all depends on the practice you have, what you sell, and your comfort zone with technology (new vs. old.)

As for YIO, for my needs I thought it was crap. But others love it and think SugarCRM is crap. I like ACT, but there are others who hate ACT.

The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind... except for you Senior... the answer is blowin' out your ass.
