Copd Oxygen

I thought with Gerber GI your payed as earned and there is no charge back, or is there no charge back if they cancel?

It is as earned. If they die, Gerber takes it back. They're Indian Givers.:laugh:
B. Compensation will only be paid on collected premium.
C. With respect to the Guaranteed Life the following special rules shall apply:
1. If the insured dies within the first policy year, 100% of the compensation paid shall be returned to Company.
2. If the insured dies within the second policy year, 50% of the compensation paid shall be returned to Company.
3. Policy year is defined as the 12 months following the date that a policy becomes effective.
No...Kemper's 100% months 1-6/75% months 7-12. I think NGL(Settlers parent) is similar to Kemper.

NGL's is 100% chargeback in the 1st 6 months and 50% in the 2nd 6 months. No chargeback for accidental death and no chargeback for lapses and surrenders, unless there is an advance amount that hasn't been earned yet.