Cost Per Sale, Leadpod vs calling leads manually

30 to 50% of the leads being uninsurable is a huge issue.

They pass the Leadpod pre screen but usually have a ton of RX you know how individual is - if you farted in the last 10 years.

Loading thousands of highly pre screened real time leads to the pod is big bucks, for their operator to get "I am not interested" and move on where we would have overcome that.

At this point I am calling those one more time (manually) and verifying and we are getting over the blow off very easily.

I know you will never outsource screeners to be as good as you but when you add up the cost we are talking big bucks per application.
We are exploring other technology and likely going back to cheap hourly screeners using Al's dialer and a combination of cheaper efforts.

We would love to have you and your crew back Joe. You are a real pleasure to work with.
I my normal lead sources (YOURS being one of them) I rarely find uninsurables.
We send the uninsurables to prospectzone :-)

We would love to have you and your crew back Joe. You are a real pleasure to work with.

Thanks. I think we can use your dialer and do better screening, and more cost effective with your system then Leadpod. I backed off your system while I was playing with the pod - but for my type of operation, the pod is not a match.

I am confident from a ROI stand point and a $9/hr employee I can do better on the cost side with your dialer then the pod.

That being the case - John brings up a good point about lead source. I loaded 4 different sources over time and two are so bad you can not even use for this (in my opinion) , the other two limped along. John is correct the source of lead is critical.

Hey what can I say a $5000 experiment? Wasn't the first time. Won't be the last time.

I do think the Pod is a good fit for some and customer service and tech wise I have nothing but good things to say about them. Financially I can not get it to work, this doesn't mean it won't work for you of course.
We send the uninsurables to prospectzone :-)

Thanks. I think we can use your dialer and do better screening, and more cost effective with your system then Leadpod. I backed off your system while I was playing with the pod - but for my type of operation, the pod is not a match.

I am confident from a ROI stand point and a $9/hr employee I can do better on the cost side with your dialer then the pod.

That being the case - John brings up a good point about lead source. I loaded 4 different sources over time and two are so bad you can not even use for this (in my opinion) , the other two limped along. John is correct the source of lead is critical.

Hey what can I say a $5000 experiment? Wasn't the first time. Won't be the last time.

I do think the Pod is a good fit for some and customer service and tech wise I have nothing but good things to say about them. Financially I can not get it to work, this doesn't mean it won't work for you of course.

I would agree with you, with your size of operation, I doubt it very seriously if it will work for you, Plus if your trying to load it with volume and get the quality transfers, it just doesnt work that way.
If your cost per transfer is $60 - $90 then your closing ratio sucks.

You need to re-evaluate something

My closing ratio is 20-25% of all transfers that are sent to me, using web conferencing and selling over the phone. The problem is, Leadpod sends an average of 3-4 transfers per day. I have to supply Leadpod with 20-30 leads daily, and they can only transfer 3-4. I need at least 10! I am not sure why they can not connect with more people, its obviously the lead sources and the wasting of leads by Leadpod's CSR's. Many leads can be sold that the CSR's simply mark not interested because they can not overcome an objection.

It does not seem that anyone has answered my question yet. For agents that call shared internet leads themselves, has anyone determined their cost per sale?

Thank you
My closing ratio is 20-25% of all transfers that are sent to me, using web conferencing and selling over the phone. The problem is, Leadpod sends an average of 3-4 transfers per day. I have to supply Leadpod with 20-30 leads daily, and they can only transfer 3-4. I need at least 10! I am not sure why they can not connect with more people, its obviously the lead sources and the wasting of leads by Leadpod's CSR's. Many leads can be sold that the CSR's simply mark not interested because they can not overcome an objection.

It does not seem that anyone has answered my question yet. For agents that call shared internet leads themselves, has anyone determined their cost per sale?

Thank you
its obviously the lead sources and the wasting of leads by Leadpod's CSR's.

Once again, You should not have to provide that many leads a day, Its obviously your lead source. JUNK in JUNK OUT. Its not the CSR's job to overcome and push transfers, then all that will result in, is people that really are not serious in talking to you.
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Yes. A few people have posted their results. Costs vary between $80-$180.

I assume this does not include lead cost or does?

Yes DMILLER I agree with your assessment. I do think there is a place for LeadPod - probably not with my setup though.