Cost Per Sale, Leadpod vs calling leads manually

I've been trying to figure out if leadpod would work for me. I have the forms to sign up sitting here, just haven't had the time to send them in.

When I reviewed the program, it seems like a staff person is actually less money, doing almost exactly the same thing. Far more headaches though, so there are some efficiencies in sending this out.

My real problem is time. Why don't I call immediately when I get a lead? Well, I'm busy, on the phone dealing with a problem or talking to a client. When I have time, I could turn lead-pod on, let them dial and transfer calls to me. Of course, this would defeat the purpose of the immediate response, which is the real issue I'm trying to solve.

I definitely feel there is a way to make this work, just not 100% sure what it is.

I'm very curious what other peoples return on investment has been.

Leadpod is a nice way to not get involved with in-house staff. I think if you need staff though, it's probably an expensive way to do something you can do inhouse.

Leadpod transfers 2.5 prospects per 10 leads and I closed 1 out of 4 tranfers - average premium around $2,800.

There's your math

100 leads X $7 = $700 lead cost
25 transfers X $10 = $250
Total cost: $950

6 deals X $2,800 = $16,800 X 20% = $3,360

So $950 returns $3,360 which is lower than normal ROI since you're paying to not be on the phones all day. If you want you phone to ring, your ROI will be lower.
For agents that call shared internet leads themselves, has anyone determined their cost per sale?

Last yr it was $82 for the full year.

Ran numbers a few weeks ago and it was more in the $45 range YTD.

WTF is that animal on the Texas license plate

The state pet.


Or, as we refer to it in GA . . . possum on the half shell.
For agents that call shared internet leads themselves, has anyone determined their cost per sale?
Last yr it was $82 for the full year.
Ran numbers a few weeks ago and it was more in the $45 range YTD.
The state pet.
Or, as we refer to it in GA . . . possum on the half shell.

Armadillo my A$$, try Phrynosomatidea, known locally as a Horny Toad.
Armadillo my A$$, try Phrynosomatidea, known locally as a Horny Toad.

Well, Sti didn't answer my query----he must be out skateboarding. I'll take your answer, Expat. over Bob's inasmuch as you are in Texas and it sure as hell doesn't look like an Armadillo to me (a Yankee). BTW, my ex-wife used to affectionately call me a "Horny Toad." In fact, I still am.:D