Coupon Book Idea, by Mark Rosenthal


5000 Post Club
Coupon Book Idea by

To start off with let me tell you what this idea will help you do. First it will put your in front of some local businesses, that you might talk to about Insurance. It will also put your in front of parents, church groups and a lot of groups I love to be in front of. It will also put your ad out to 1,000's of prospects for free, while helping others.

This idea is simple and could also help other people besides yourself.

Have you ever seen those little coupon books/fundraisers that youth dept or fund raiser sell for $5 to $10?

Right now a lot of restaurants and business are struggling and they need more business. They are spending money on advertising to bring in business. Also youth depts/groups need money and are doing all kinds of fund raiser where they don't keep much of a profit from.

Most of the restaurants are willing to give you a 10% coupon if you tell them what you are doing and how you will do the work for them and they don't have to pay for the printing or anything. You can also find some other businesses that will give you a big discount.

You would be surprise on how many little ads you can fit onto a coupon book the size of a business card. You will also put a copyright stamp on them.

My 1st couple of years in this business all I did was chased new homeowners and got businesses to give them free stuff that I brought to them. I was like the welcome committee. Clients loved the coupon books and free gifts. But let me get back to the idea.

My boys are both scouts and were always selling the popcorn and trying to raise money for the scouts. My youth dept at my church is always doing car washes and things to raise money also.
What if they could charge $5 a coupon book and it only cost them a nickel to make? They make $4.95 each coupon book they give out. Every youth dept and group loves fundraisers that work and brings in good money.

Think about all the people you help including yourself. You will get to talk to local businesses. Which you can also prospect to and get relationship with. What if you raise $1,000 for a youth dept or the scouts? All those parents will know who you are and what you did to help them.

You really own these cards and allow them to use them. So you decide what goes on the cards. Of course you are going to add your free services to the cards or something that you come up with.

You will end up approaching businesses, churches, parents, and groups.

You can also have as many of these cards as you want to hand out as a prospecting tool or gift to your clients. You can go door to door or do whatever to pass out these cards. You can also put these cards with something else that you are handing out.
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Sure, bottom line is that you want to get in front of business owners, parents and groups of people. You will also put your ads on the fundraiser card. So it will be a free way to help people and help yourself at the same time. You can also keep some of the cards since you own them.

SOme printing companies will even give you the cards for free.
So basically the idea is to contact local organizations/restaurants who do fundraising/ need more business, ask them to agree to 10% coupons, and then go around and sell them for $5.00?? I understand that it will put you in front of a lot of people but seems a little backwards. of course you put your own "coupon" in there but I'm not sure I get it.

I guess this is meant as a "foot in the door" type but I'm not sure selling coupons or popcorn on behalf of the boyscouts will be the best way. I'm I missing something?:err:
You are missing a lot. THis may not be the thing for you. First thing, it puts you in front of people like businesses, which gives you are a reason to talk to them, and offer them your services also. This will also put your ad in front of 1,000's of prospects for free. You also get a free ad on the coupon book. I have my free living will and a book on retirement. It is not just 10% off. Example we have a free butter ball from the pizza place. The cub scouts made over $2,200 doing this. Guess who they love now and you would be able to talk to get in front of all of them and tell them what you do. Parents are great prospects. This is the little card that fits in your wallet.

THis is not for everyone, but for the agent that has nothing else to do, or try and this is all free to you. You will also end up with tons of the cards for free to give to your clients and reward existing clients.

If you just had to, you could charge 1.00 a card to the fundraiser group to cover your time and effort.

Lets not forget that you don't sell these cards. The groups that you help raise the money do. You could have a group of 100 kids working for you. My youth group at church made tons of money doing this and I was just glad to be in the loop.

I love know that I'm helping people, getting in front of business owners that want to talk to me, getting in front of church folks, parents and my ad is being seen by 1000's of people in my area for free. But if this is not for you, then go buy some leads and good luck with that.
Are you talking about a card that is swiped at a register or are you talking about a book with several coupons that you tear out. Could you post a pic of the one you did or PM it to me.
A ball of bread with lots of butter.

It looks like a business cards with about 6 to 10 ads on the front and back.

It is the best fundraiser I've even seen.