Coventry/PDP Plans


1000 Post Club
I'll try and keep this civil. I just called M of commissions for this week did not include commissions I'm owed on Coventry/AdvantraRX PDP plans. I am soooo F'N mad. I was told time after time that it would be the last week in April, which is this week. Next Friday is May 1st. Some of these PDP plans were written.....November 15th, 2008. Over 5 months ago.

I give up on Coventry.
I'm with ya. I'm sure there are several I haven't been paid on, but I did so many for free that I lost count on what I should expect.

Free = enrolling a client in a PDP that I don't represent for the sole purpose of getting the best deal for said client. Besides, we only make $25-50/yr on these things. Making the right decision for the client usually makes a difference of hundreds of $$$/yr.
I'm with ya. I'm sure there are several I haven't been paid on, but I did so many for free that I lost count on what I should expect.

Free = enrolling a client in a PDP that I don't represent for the sole purpose of getting the best deal for said client. Besides, we only make $25-50/yr on these things. Making the right decision for the client usually makes a difference of hundreds of $$$/yr.

I did a lot of free enrolling myself this year. It's time consuming, you make nothing on it, but you're doing what's right for the client. I feel bad because I wasn't able to go back and help all of my clients in the short ridiculous time period they give you for the PDP plans. I had a call yesterday from a Humana PDP client that I promised to call in Nov and help her make the change. I almost went broke this last AEP/OEP helping people switch to plans that I can't write and losing them as clients. I did have about 5 or 6 clients send me checks for my work. I returned them. I thought that was nice of them though.

We need to come up with a better system on how to handle this for the next AEP. I have told some clients to just call 1-800-MEDICARE. It might be the way to go this AEP
Come to find out M of O is stating they don't have a copy of my appointment and certification. I'm looking at it right now.

Thanks M of O for letting me know ahead of time. Unbelievable.
Come to find out M of O is stating they don't have a copy of my appointment and certification. I'm looking at it right now.

Thanks M of O for letting me know ahead of time. Unbelievable.

Hi Russ,

I was just coming back to this site to tell you why you're probably not getting paid. You've figured it out. Actually, it's not M of O that held it up, it was Coventry. I kept wondering why I wasn't getting paid back in Dec or January and after alot of digging they told me that they didn't show that I was licensed. They put me on hold and they ran my name again and finally realized that yes I was licensed, the good news is they paid me within a week or so. You might want to call Coventry and find out if this is what's happening to you. I've heard from a few other agents the same story. I don't think it has to do with your appointment or certification, it's something to do with your license
Hi Russ,

I was just coming back to this site to tell you why you're probably not getting paid. You've figured it out. Actually, it's not M of O that held it up, it was Coventry. I kept wondering why I wasn't getting paid back in Dec or January and after alot of digging they told me that they didn't show that I was licensed. They put me on hold and they ran my name again and finally realized that yes I was licensed, the good news is they paid me within a week or so. You might want to call Coventry and find out if this is what's happening to you. I've heard from a few other agents the same story. I don't think it has to do with your appointment or certification, it's something to do with your license

Rose at M of O stated the amount I was to be paid. I faxed her a copy of my certificate and she's suppose to call me back.
They told me the samething at first, that my certification and contracting was the problem, but it turned out it was to do with my license, same with the other agents that had the problem. You might want to bring this up to Rose.
They told me the samething at first, that my certification and contracting was the problem, but it turned out it was to do with my license, same with the other agents that had the problem. You might want to bring this up to Rose.

What a load of BS this is. How in the world can there be a problem with licensing? I've been licensed for 25 years. I have someone to see this afternoon on a med-supp and PDP. I've a good mind to write AARP for the PDP. Problem is I've already talked to the lady about AdvantraRX. Maybe I'll make up some excuse about AdvantraRX.

What really pisses me off is...I call M of O this morning to find out my commission. Kathy tells me it's X amount...I told her it didn't include the PDP commissions. Her response..."some agents got there's." Great Kathy...I didn't. She says nothing about there being any problem.

I then called back and talked to Rose. She told me what was apparently wrong. Uh...what about informing me M of O, by email or letter or fax or checking with Coventry????????

Did you have to send/fax a copy of your license to Coventry?
No, they run it on there computer. I think they check with the State Insurance Department online. Once they confirm that your license is current then you should be good to go. I'll try and find a phone # of who I spoke to when I had the problem.
No, they run it on there computer. I think they check with the State Insurance Department online. Once they confirm that your license is current then you should be good to go. I'll try and find a phone # of who I spoke to when I had the problem.

I'm looking at my active appts. right now and there they are.....
