Coverage during protests, police brutality, wrongful deaths

Venezuela is all about equality. Everyone has equal opportunity: to starve to death.

Yes we can joke but its real serious starvation going on there

Many of the disillusioned that came here have spoken out and loudly sound alarm, about some of the tactics being used here and that we are heading that direction

Many are very passionate about it
Yes we can joke but its real serious starvation going on there

Many of the disillusioned that came here have spoken out and loudly sound alarm, about some of the tactics being used here and that we are heading that direction

Many are very passionate about it

I wasn't joking, I'm deathly serious.
But the real benefactor of increased violence is the NRA and member companies, who no doubt have greatly increased gun sales the last few years. Wouldn't surprise me if their shills aren't all over social media preaching the end is coming.
I largely agree with Mark.

I'll go a little farther, but I think we still agree, Network News is about "entertainment." No one, honestly, needs more than an hour of news a day.

Fear creates ratings. All Cable news do it. Talking heads are continuing to stoke fear on both sides and we have just the right President who can't effectively articulate a calm demeanor. Which kind of creates a cycle of fear.

I agree with the warm bit. I don't think anyone except the most extreme on the political spectrum believe a warm is the solution. What concerns me most is this recent plot against the MI Gov.

It was a serious threat and should the extremes persist, in this case it was the Ultra Right but it could have been the Ultra Left against a Republican like Mitch McConnell. In that instance, it could trigger a war between domestic terrorists and the US.

Honestly, most moderates, on both sides, generally want the same overall thing... It's just how we accomplish that end that changes.

However, we've gotten so far from the middle on both sides that we've opened ourselves up to what really is domestic terrorists.