Creating a "virtual office" forum

You can do anything with the Google groups - we can have different pages for health, life, senior, etc...We can have discussions, upload spreadsheets, scripts, etc....and everything can be neatly managed.
I made an over simple spreadsheet to log sales.

I addressed the concern of various policies, and decided to just label it sales. After all, sales are what we are tracking.

I personally like the idea of one whole group, rather then market segments. That would keep motivation at a max and we have our own goals to go up against.

Some days I sell a PDP, others supplements, other yet a MA plan.

But a sale is a sale.
Looking good. I do not want to exclude people because of their specialties, but I think it would be better to have market-specific groups. There should be separate groups for individual health and senior health, simply because they are so different and numbers will be like apples-oranges.
I suppose that could be something we evolve into though.

Will this google group allow for discussion? I do not want to just post numbers only, but also be able to comment on numbers and marketing strategies and well as polk at someone who is lagging:)

This should be a bit hard-nosed in my opinion, yet fun.

I prefer something here on this site, but I suppose the google site might be more viable.

I agree. This will not be a message board - we have that here. This is going to be a "virtual office" type of environment and well all know what happens at the office if we skunk a week.

It's here - - I need your emails to sign you in, then everyone will have admin capability.