Cross-Selling Hospital Indemnity to MA Tips

I want less stress and less angry people, not more.

I agree. Simple works for me.

Regarding HIP and similar indemnity products, I have read/heard stories of people who forget they have the policy and when they try and file either they are too late or they no longer have the claim information.

Just one more thing to keep up with when you are sick.

That's me. KISS . . .
Dr Oz mentioned possibly communicating with Medicare beneficiaries more frequently

Good idea . . . especially since many of them never bother to open, much less read, their ANOC.

I get calls/emails throughout the year from clients who want to know if something from CMS is a scam.

Most of those situations involve solicitations from agents/marketers/etc which are craftily worded fictional pieces designed to strike fear and cause the recipient to CALL NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
Good idea . . . especially since many of them never bother to open, much less read, their ANOC.

I get calls/emails throughout the year from clients who want to know if something from CMS is a scam.

Most of those situations involve solicitations from agents/marketers/etc which are craftily worded fictional pieces designed to strike fear and cause the recipient to CALL NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
These are almost daily calls. Never ends. I printed a "all about scams" form from govt website and distribute it in initial appts, and still get the nonstop calls.