Curt Schilling: AIG Cancelled Insurance Due To 'Social Media Profile'

DJT never told folks to march to the Capitol and try to tear it down. And he was 3 miles away when all that was going on.

He also never said the anarchists in Charlottesville were very fine people.

But Orange Man bad . . .

C'mon now. He told them "if you don't fight like hell, you're not gonna have a country anymore." He even pointed them right to his own damn vice president. He's made plenty of thinly veiled threats about how he has the 'dangerous people' on his side, so it's safe to say he knew a bit about the crowd he was riling up. That weird ghoulish thing he calls his personal attorney told them to engage in "trial by combat."

Look around you...if you see a ton of confederate flags and white supremacists on your side...then you just might not be on the side of the angels here, buddy. I'm guessing all these types were in the crowd for the speech as well, so Trump knew they were there.

Same as if I was at a march for black literacy, but somehow there's a lot of people on my right and left talking about killing whites and Jews...then I may need to try to find another march to attend.

Just cause Trump gets to play dumb, doesn't mean you or I can too.

Even if you do go with the naive notion that he is totally off the hook here, it took him almost two hours to tell his gang of thugs to be peaceful...while he watched the entire thing play out on TV.

So yeah, Orange Man Bad. Orange Man Traitor. Orange Man Let Russians Put Bounties On Troops. Orange Man Look Directly At Sun...I could do this all day.

But hey...Orange Man No Wear Tan Suit. So I guess you're right. :)
Facts. Was driving to watch my father in law die at my hometown hospital in tiny Michigan town. I was in my car with my 2 daughters. my 2 sons (1 white son driving & black son in passenger seat) were in his car behind me. We were at a dead stop at stop light when sheriff pulled up at same corner & proceeded to tail my son's behind me as we were a mile from hospital. They flipped the lights on to pull them over. I stopped too & stuck my head out window to tell them they were with me. Both cops starting screaming & had hands on weapons. Detained us, grilledy white son as to who his friend was & why he was going to hospital to watch his grandpa die. Wasn't fully buying they were siblings.

Finally came back to my car & tried to apologize claiming they were pulled over for expired tags. Complete bullshit because it is my car, I own it & it was the month of May & my birthday was May & the visual tags said May. Cop admitted they make stops because there is a bad drug problem there & sometimes they get it wrong.

Most white people have no comprehension that there is indeed this type of bad behavior minorities have to deal with.

Listen, I am a Republican, very conservative but I am not nuts.

I call out all parties & politicians & our current Democratic leaders are no less racist. Joe Biden is as much of or more of a racist than Donald Trump.

We deserve better & minorities for sure deserve better
My sister's children are biracial, which gives them a somewhat unique perspective. My 25 year old nephew has been pulled over on occasion. Of course, he never knows if his appearance may have contributed to the encounter, because it's always been for a legitimate infraction. (Would a 25 year old white guy have been given a pass for the same infraction? Who can say, really?) To my knowledge, he's never had a negative encounter, yet he tells me it's always a little stressful when he spots a police cruiser nearby.
He knows most police officers are good people who are out to help him and not hurt him. He knows not to judge all law enforcement personnel based on the actions of a few bad actors. But he always wonders if that cop he just spotted might be the "bad apple" racist cop. Our young people shouldn't have to live like that.
"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew."

It all starts somewhere, and usually ignored until... they come for you.
Then they said "don't believe what you read in the papers"...... Lügenpresse
To AIG? Is there some sarcasm here?
Oh, yeah. My brain was stuck on the current case. Thought he might be referring to another older case.

Besides, it's getting late! This was an especially long day, and I worked especially hard! And I've got this itchy spot on my back I can't reach! You expect my brain to stay in gear??!!!
Too many think they are winning when the other side is attacked to know what really is going on

I am sure the same in the beginning in Germany There was those that were told they are getting the short end of the stick because these other people

and I am sure some felt good when the other people were starting to be harassed
Radical left radical left. Sound familiar, Vic??