Curt Schilling: AIG Cancelled Insurance Due To 'Social Media Profile'

Ok. Headed to bed, now. I'm tired and I'm gonna say something stupid if I stay at this any longer (if I haven't already!:err:).
Good night, y'all!

Left, right, white, thing we can all agree on is Letterkenny is the best TV show right now...if not ever. :biggrin:

That's not "whataboutism". That's me saying that the people working this long con aren't who we think they are. We think it's the Republicans vs the Democrats. It's not.

I remember when Reagan was called "divisive". Then both Bushes. Obama was called "the most divisive president ever" until Trump won that title!

The point is the Corporatists on Capitol Hill have a unified agenda despite their lesser disagreements, which they portray as the "most important issues of our day". Then they keep us distracted from the real agenda by getting us to line up against each other based on those "critical issues".

My whole adult life I've been hearing how we can't let "them" win, or we'll lose America. I've heard it from both sides. So we dutifully go vote to keep the "bad guys" from winning, which only serves to keep the same people in power! Oh, sure, we go back and forth between R and D. But, seriously - does anything really change?

My feeling is there are only one or two politicians in either party who aren't corrupt. The rest of us need to figure out how to work together, despite our admittedly marked differences, to stop the madness.

*rant over*

Ohhh Very much things have changed starting from the patriot act

Although it's not all about republicans and democrats though the Left get there faster

I find it strange how so many don't notice how Obama would rail against Bush on TV then sit with him all the time at events and often they had a good time together

I do know that most don't know many of the internal bills many of the privacy stuff and the globalist stuff These 2 were very much in line as was Bush SR
So we're both in agreement that those doing the crimin' should be doing the timin'. That also applies to those aiding and abetting it.

While there was definitely some misguided action on the left side of the police brutality protests, let's not play the whataboutism game here. One thing spawned from the well documented police brutality.* The other from dumbasses willing to commit insurrection in the name of Trump.

Putting the two in the same boat when speaking of the violence from January 6th is showing ultimate (and damnit, I hate using this term, but you've forced my hand here) priviledge. There will always be some bad apples trying to spoil a good cause. Thing is...that shitshow on January 6th wasn't a good cause. So it started on a messed up premise that for some reason, these folks feel they have some inherent right to force all of America to do what they want.

*Before anyone brings it up, don't tell me to fix Chicago either. I don't know shit about Chicago as I am southern boy and Chicago is not my responsibility. Blacks killing blacks in the Southside Chicago hood has jack shit to do with why I shouldn't have to worry about my kid getting accused of casing homes when walking around our condo complex in central Florida, taking pictures of flowers with a Nikon DSLR (meaning, not the type of camera the everyday burglar would walk around with, unless you know, they stole it) for her photography class. This actually happened...and this is a mild example. The more extreme examples would be Tamir Rice, Charles Kinsey, and Levar Jones, to name a few.

I am sorry this happened to your daughter and I do know sometimes a black person can be profiled more than a white person

However, it is not that Big divide people make it out to be

Its not Cops target and mistreat blacks because they are black in all or even most of the case brought to the public

Honestly Seen so much When I was 7 or 8 I was cleansing my Dads car I lived in queens and cops pulled up

I was just cleaning I had a black dust pan the kind you put the brush inside the pan when storing and the handle comes out the side

ANyway I hear yelling get out of the car with hands up

I get out but I am holding this dust pan Cops started yelling put the gun down he sounded scarred I was scared I froze

My dad comes running out and said that my son that my son stop he is scarred its not a gun

Still took a few minutes before this was defused

He told me after that I need to follow rules when dealing with a cop and to always remember never make sudden movement remember things can look like weapons always keep my hands where they can be seen use respect and don't argue

I found that to be useful advice and most I have known growing up in my teens knew the same as well as I did not hang with a good crowd in my teens

Also one night My friend and I were hanging out I was 13 living in Nassau long island Ny

We all got grabbed by cops harassed and questioned and threatened by cops due to recent robberies in the area which we had nothing to do with

Not everything is just about black white or racism

Though I do see how profiling can and has been used in some of these cases Like with your daughter maybe I have seen it before and I am against it

But it not in most of the cases that are held up as examples A lot of times its just not there

I have sen and posted many of the lesser know similar cases with White kids teen and people to show that it happens to others as well it's just not as publicized

As far as the autistic guy you posted I have an autistic child and know of many cases like that also with mostly white autistics too, it's not black or white there are a lot of other factors and I don't know the answer on police policy how they handle these situations they are not trained to deal with it and I can see how they as cops react they way they do just don't know the answer to it only that it is not a black or white thing
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then sit with him all the time at events
You can disagree with someone's policies but still respect them professionally. When somebody constantly attacks those that disagree on a personal level, they get very little respect back in return.
One thing President Trump did that I can tip my hat to:

  1. Making Judiciary branch of government conservative
As long as that is in place, I do not believe the country can go too far left. Its almost like a safeguard. Hence, if AIG did anything wrong, Curt can always take it to the courts.
The fact that it failed doesn't make it something other than it was ... Trump appointed Federal Prosecutors tend to agree with me and not you on this:

U.S. says Capitol rioters meant to 'capture and assassinate' officials - filing
Failed? Didn't even look like it was planned! It was all over inside if an hour. Don't you think there are enough ex-military guys in the alt-right "Patriot" groups (that were supposedly leading the charge) that they could have at least planned it a little more strategically and executed a LOT more effectively?

Here's another great question: The anger was about an allegedly stolen election. The debate over rejecting certain states electors had JUST BEGUN!!! Why would the very people, who were holding out hope that the objections would be successful, just attack at the beginning of the process, thus disrupting the whole thing? Doesn't add up.

*Edit - ok, it took more than an hour to get control. I exaggerated. But I'm sure you get the point.
Didn't even look like it was planned!

Then you are only seeing what you want to see to conclude what you want to conclude.

It has already started to come out. We will see who is charged and who is convicted.

Silly to think this was a spontaneous mob.