Defeat from the Jaws of Victory


5000 Post Club
The Senate Bill was completely dead in the water before the House, and Scott Brown had just won an historic race in Massachusetts. Those two factors were a gift from the gods beyond the republicans dreams. Obama and Pelosi were talking about backing off and going at it piecemeal in the areas where they could find consensus.

But no, let's go over and talk with Obama and see where he needs help in passing the bill. We have already made a huge, huge sale so why dont we call the client up again and see how they feel about it while we are still in the free-look period. Flaming, flaming, frigging idiots.

We can talk about this being a victory for the repubs in November but there is no indication that they are smart enough and strategic enough to work with any factors in their favor. Counting on the public to be outraged over reconciliation? Don't. That is all inside the beltway baseball now.

The reality is that this is that this is an enormous victory for Obama and Pelosi and whatever bets I had on the table I took off the table the minute they decided to go over and walk into the lobster trap. That was an act of stupidity that you can all clearly see that I am still unable to process. Just completely stupid beyond comprehension which bespeaks the possibility of their being too stupid to work the November scenario with any intelligence or plan. Their entire plan for the summer and the fall consisted of watching Olympia Snowe. And then when they got lucky anyway they immediately moved to frig it up.

Pelosi won this one and outgunned and outmaneuvered and outsmarted the Republicans. The bill was dead, and Scoitt Brown had just won and the entire tide had turned- but she simply ignored it and plowed through it. Yes, she is a reprehensible bitch but we must man up to this situation. The repubicans have been about as strategic as a russet potato through all of this.

Do I blame the republicans for the tide of socialism and the fact that they had to work with overwhelming majorities in both houses? No. But do I think they are smart enough or strategic enough to take advantage of anything that might work in their favor or to put together a viable alternative. No. They are too frigging stupid.
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This new law creates 32 million new customers. If you don't want any. I'll take them.

Oh I already live in a state that has plenty of customers and someone else has already taken them. In fact we really dont need or have independent agents left anymoe because someone else has already taken them without agents being in the loop. Don't count your pennies off of your share of those new customes just yet, nor off of your existing customers either.

Change you can believe in.
Winters Got It: Who in the hell is going to buy thru us in a government run exchange? Commissions? Little to none to be found. The 32 MIL buying from us, agents? WTF? I will believe it when I see it.
I don' t write that many major meds. I'm 99% a med-supp agent, the last month I've talked with 3 different people about major medical insurance. Three that are capable of paying for it. That make good money and can afford it.

The results....
(1)62 year-old female denied by Humana. Wrote her one day...faxed the app in that day. Denied by Humana the next day after their phone interview because of pre-existing conditions.

(2)40+ year-old female that was interested in Humana. She declined taking out coverage because of the pre-existing limitation.

(3)55+ year-old female that has a limited benefit plan with a $5,000 deductible. Interested in switching. Getting better coverage. Problem...she has fibrocystic disease and Humana wouldn't cover that condition where her plan now does.

Results....wasted time....mileage on my car.....$0 dollars made.

Two of the 3 above still don't have coverage.

Screw writing major medicals as it is now. Oh yeah...screw Humana. They suck. They can't even pay me my Kanawha Ins. Co. monthly commissions on a regular basis. I waited 3 months one time to get any. They haven't paid any this month either.
John: Ok so the big guys, the EHealths sell in the exchange then and small beans like you and me sell on main street. Personally, that has little to no appeal to me as I primarily sell health statewide virtually now via webshare. Maybe there still is room for us who knows. Either way, losing our freedoms in the way we did last night saddens me. The bill never should have passed in the way it did. Its shameful.
Well, again lets play Devil's Advocate: You always say that those under this new commie health system will make money in it IF they are set up for volume sales. If you are a local health peddler and not a big gun like Geico, Progressive, or EHealth- then what's the point? Maybe the 20% of folks that don't buy online in the exchange may buy through us? Is this what you are getting at?
We can guess for the next 500 threads. It's a useless waste of time. Reality will dictate all of this over time. In the mean time I have health insurance to sell.

If you're mainly a positive person you're either excited or at least reserved until you see more data. If you're mainly a negative person then likely the attitude is "we're screwed."

Without facts to back up "we're screwed" it's an emotional, not logical or business response.