Defeat from the Jaws of Victory

This strikes me as a great opportunity to sell major med. Sooo many pre-x out there who won't want the exchange.

I sell very little major med, as it's not my focus, but I think it's time to ramp up.
I see Major Opportunities beyond the 30+ million unisured in 2014.

Half those 30 million, roughly 16 million, are off limits.

They will come under the Medicaid expansion and go into the welfare medical system.
The model for this health reform is Massachusetts. How are individual health insurance agents doing there when compared to the state run health insurance exchange.
Not even ehealth sells policies in Massachusetts. I fear that this model is the future of national health care for us as brokers, and worse as Americans. At least a single payer plan would be honest in its intentions, and in that more valuable to Americans then this shoddily pieced together nonsense.
I just heard yesterday from someone who is from the UK. They have a single payer system. He told me that 80% of people he knows (including himself) "go private". What that means is they pay additional amounts to go into a private health insurance plan NOT run by the government.

And, yes, he went to an independent agent to get it.

I am of the "wait and see" mentality.

I agree with #1. Those that don't have coverage now, and don't want it, will be the ones to get the One Deductible plans, just to have something, and they won't go through the government, they would rather work with someone they know.

Other than BCBS (the evil empire), I don't see the other insurance companies NOT going through independent agents. It's easier on them if we make the sales, than if they have to staff, and provide benefits for, call centers.

If anything, this bill puts the carriers on their toes, and what might come of it is plans that are better for the consumer. Just a thought.

It's OK to scare the insurance companies a little.