Ok, so I emailed NAHU, and this came from them. My Q's are in black, their answers in red. This answers a lot of our speculation on a few items, but still TBD.
[FONT="]I can't answer some of your questions yet, we are waiting for more guidance. But, see below for what I can tell you.[/FONT]
Can an employee get on a group plan that's "affordable", and the rest of the family receive "subsidies" on the exchange based on their lower family income? No. There may be an opportunity for a spouse to do so but not the children. It is unclear at this point exactly how the calculation for the spouse's subsidy would be made.
Can a carrier offer major medical insurance with all EHB's/AV's outside the exchange, and NOT offer plans inside the exchange? This is still being determined in some cases. But, there are a number of insurers who are quietly indicating that they will not participate in exchange plans.
Can a carrier offer major medical plans OFF the exchange, that are NOT compliant with PPACA?....... For example....one that excludes maternity. No, it doesn't appear so.
If brokers are allowed to use their own websites, will HHS require approval of our websites before using them? We have been trying to avoid this, instead pushing more for brokers to be able to link to the HHS site. It could be a nightmare having to have your site be required to meet HHS requirements and approval of same. But, we don't have definitive answer yet.
Hi. Thanks for doing this, it is very helpful. Would you mind posting the persons name, if you have it. Not that I don't trust NAHU, but...