Defining Affordable . . .

Ok, so I emailed NAHU, and this came from them. My Q's are in black, their answers in red. This answers a lot of our speculation on a few items, but still TBD.
[FONT=&quot]I can't answer some of your questions yet, we are waiting for more guidance. But, see below for what I can tell you.[/FONT]

Can an employee get on a group plan that's "affordable", and the rest of the family receive "subsidies" on the exchange based on their lower family income? No. There may be an opportunity for a spouse to do so but not the children. It is unclear at this point exactly how the calculation for the spouse's subsidy would be made.

Can a carrier offer major medical insurance with all EHB's/AV's outside the exchange, and NOT offer plans inside the exchange?
This is still being determined in some cases. But, there are a number of insurers who are quietly indicating that they will not participate in exchange plans.

Can a carrier offer major medical plans OFF the exchange, that are NOT compliant with PPACA?....... For that excludes maternity.
No, it doesn't appear so.

If brokers are allowed to use their own websites, will HHS require approval of our websites before using them?
We have been trying to avoid this, instead pushing more for brokers to be able to link to the HHS site. It could be a nightmare having to have your site be required to meet HHS requirements and approval of same. But, we don't have definitive answer yet.

Hi. Thanks for doing this, it is very helpful. Would you mind posting the persons name, if you have it. Not that I don't trust NAHU, but...
Fun fact of the day, by Sheldon Cooper, BS, MS, MA, PhD, and ScD, (OMG):

Pions are mesons with zero spin, and they are composed of first-generation quarks. In the quark model, an up quark and an anti-down quark make up a π+, whereas a down quark and an anti-up quark make up the π−, and these are the antiparticles of one another. The neutral pion π0 is a combination of an up quark with an anti-up quark or a down quark with an anti-down quark. The two combinations have identical quantum numbers, and hence they are only found in superpositions. The lowest-energy superposition of these is the π0, which is its own antiparticle. Together, the pions form a triplet of isospin. Each pion has isospin (I = 1) and third-component isospin equal to its charge (Iz = +1, 0 or −1).
NAHU hasn't been particularly helpful in the entire Alibamacrap deal, and I am underwhelmed by their ability to fight for the agent. Serves them right if the entire organization implodes.
I agree... worthless as teets on a boar hog....

Agreed. The only problem is that we have so little substantial guidance that even teets on a boar hog is looking good! Open enrollment is 9 months away, and this is such a moving target it feels like being in an earthquake. I feel the stress from agents as we are all trying to get a handle on where our business is headed in late 2013 so we can begin advising our clients and firming up our procedures. As of now, we have little to advise them about. Agents are PM'ing and calling me (and I'm sure some of you too), looking for solid foundation, and almost every piece of advice or info I can give to them has a "but that will most likely change..." or "but we really don't know yet..." cliff on the end of it. I'm glad to help, but I wish we had more substance!

I want to say my appreciation to TaterPeeler (Charles), Dave020, YAgents (Bill), Somarco (Bob), ABC, Leevena, DJS, and MANY others posters who have reached out a helping hand with solid, valuable advice and information. This is getting serious, and the clock is ticking. You posters on this forum are the greatest source of info., and rock-solid common sense, and I can't say enough how much I appreciate it.
Here is what I think.... every year Medicare advantage agents wait till post Oct 1st to start enrolling 15 days later... none have seen anything about the products and we spend the next 14 days busting our hump to learn about them... we all certify and test still without knbowing squat about the plans and products.... this will be the same and we should be the same..... just relax, and take it as it comes...

back when I was playing golf my coach used to tell me just play the course and let the shot come to you.... just play what you are seeing... we need to do the same.... just wait for the "shot" and take it as it comes.... we either win(make money) or get beat(go broke) I am not going to worry about it cause stress and being tense in golf causes poor shot making.... relax and make the shot
Here is what I think.... every year Medicare advantage agents wait till post Oct 1st to start enrolling 15 days later... none have seen anything about the products and we spend the next 14 days busting our hump to learn about them... we all certify and test still without knbowing squat about the plans and products.... this will be the same and we should be the same..... just relax, and take it as it comes...

back when I was playing golf my coach used to tell me just play the course and let the shot come to you.... just play what you are seeing... we need to do the same.... just wait for the "shot" and take it as it comes.... we either win(make money) or get beat(go broke) I am not going to worry about it cause stress and being tense in golf causes poor shot making.... relax and make the shot

VERY good advice. I'm super analytical and like to have all my ducks in a row first.... Ain't gonna happen this time. We have a one-time shot at gaining as many clients as possible in 2014 and if we don't produce we're gonners. If we do produce, the income you have been talking about is meat on the table.