- 10,275
A lot of diverse views on this...and that's what a Forum is for. But one of the comments by djs gets to the crux of the issue.
" Posts should not be edited by anyone, including the original poster, except for minor grammatical or spelling errors. Moderators have the right to remove spam"
That's the root of the problem. Moderators should not ever alter someone else's posts...unless there is spam or offensive material involved. Certainly, we don't want moderators changing the post of someone they are bantering back and forth with.
A simple check of other reputable Forums would verify this.
" Posts should not be edited by anyone, including the original poster, except for minor grammatical or spelling errors. Moderators have the right to remove spam"
That's the root of the problem. Moderators should not ever alter someone else's posts...unless there is spam or offensive material involved. Certainly, we don't want moderators changing the post of someone they are bantering back and forth with.
A simple check of other reputable Forums would verify this.