Demise of Individual Mandate

Actually, the unaffordability exemption is allowed if the premium for the lowest cost MV plan that is available to you costs more than 8.05% of your modified adjusted gross income. For instance, the LCB in the IFP market might be unaffordable, but your group insurance plan (where the employer pays a big part of the premium) might be affordable, even if it's a gold plan and isn't on the exchange.

When you are thinking about the "lowest cost bronze on the exchange" that provision is part of the calculation of your maximum individual mandate penalty. That provision states that your penalty for not carrying qualifying insurance cannot be more than the national average premium for the lowest cost bronze plan on the exchange.
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Doesn't show 2018 numbers

We aren't CPAs. If the calculator says no, then its too close to put your ______ on the line. And the discussion was on employer rates being too high. Not Indy. The employer rates should be able to use the 2017 calculator to figure out the affordability vs income.