Dem's New Strategy to Ram It....

Now that Obama is projecting a $9 TRILLION deficit (Obama to raise 10-year deficit to $9 trillion | U.S. | Reuters) it is simply becoming less and less likely that he will be able to pass anything except gas.

The foreign debt owners (#1 - Chinese) will tell him where to shove the additional spending, and it won't be up their arses!

Nine trillion. Wow, nine trillion here and nine trillion there and pretty soon it begins to add up.

Change you can believe in.
Let's not forget that this is projected ON TOP of the $41 TRILLION social security and medicare mess.

Let's see...that's $50 trillion?

Geez. Washington has truly entered the twilight zone.

Maybe the Mayans were really predicting when the most successful country on the planet would default on its sovereign debt?
Let's not forget that this is projected ON TOP of the $41 TRILLION social security and medicare mess.

Let's see...that's $50 trillion?

Geez. Washington has truly entered the twilight zone.

Maybe the Mayans were really predicting when the most successful country on the planet would default on its sovereign debt?

Fortunately, when it comes to health care reform, Obama said that he will not sign any bill that is not revenue neutral. Thank God for that assurance.

I don't see any long-term way to head this off. People will be worn down and will take some compromise in the same sense that Hitler and Stalin compromised over dividing Poland. Of course, Hitler knew it was just a little side trip before going down the highway to his real goal.


Wasn't a real solid finish for Ol Adolf was it?
One thing to "ram it through," another to hang on to it.
The word is sustainability.
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Fortunately, when it comes to health care reform, Obama said that he will not sign any bill that is not revenue neutral. Thank God for that assurance.


Like I've been saying for months, where is the blasted (not a cuss word?) money for this coming from?
Who is his chief financial advisor again? Was it Warren or Jimmy Buffet?
F this, I'm go'n to Margaritaville.
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Who is his chief financial advisor again? Was it Warren or Jimmy Buffet?

One is Tim Geithner, who has the eyes of a shoplifter and is a confirmed tax cheat.

And the other, specifically in regard to health reform, is Tom Daschel, who is also a tax cheat.

With those two powerhouses working together, Obama should be well advised on the tax implications of his proposed plan.

To date, Obama believes his most effective program has been the Cash for Crap program which he describes as suffering from being an "overwhelming success." This is of course a program where the government sends you a check to buy something and he is surprised that they ran out of money in the first couple weeks. Expect him to bring that same astute sense of financial management to health reform. (gee, we made it available to everyone without regard to documentation and it turned out to be an overwhelming success. Let's do more of it).
One is Tim Geithner, who has the eyes of a shoplifter and is a confirmed tax cheat.

(gee, we made it available to everyone without regard to documentation and it turned out to be an overwhelming success. Let's do more of it).

Again, his voting block of 85,000,000 (non owners with nothing to lose) will perhaps remember this hand out even after they don't get the big health insurance reform bonanza they all expected, so maybe he'll see another term.
At the expense of all of us of course.
If "all of us" really means neo-cons in this venue, you make "another term" sound like a bad thing.:yes:

All Americans, puts.

Neo Con trash heap Dave here.
Look Alvin, like I've stated before. It is not about us and our gig.
My wife and I have a 7000 H.S.A. We pay for it.
We want to keep it. We don't want a "nationalized" piece of dog dung for our coverage. Capiche?
Another thing. As bad as the Canadian system is. With our current 47 million add ons and the fact that America is over 300 million to Canada's 30; we shudder to think what that would leave us (middle America) with.
The middle will be fleeced once again as America expands Medicaid. The only folks not adversely effected will be the current Medicaid recipients, the Asters and the Vanderbilt's and of course congress.