Dems Preparing for Solo Flight?

At the end of the day, health insurance premiums are the after effect, not the cause of high health care expenses. If the main issue was getting people coverage who can't qualify due to health issues, then create a national risk pool and subsidize it like my state does (premiums can't be more than 25% of what's found in the private market).

If the issue is low income people not being able to afford coverage, subsidize it (I don't agree with doing this, but it would have the effect they want). The single payer system is only subsidizing it anyway in another form, but then the government inefficiencies and politics comes with it).

If controlling health care delivery costs is the main issue (and it should be), health insurance has very little to do with it. Tort reform, information sharing technology, open market for prescriptions, an unhealthy population (the gorilla in the room no one wants to talk about), and the list goes on are where the focus should be.

Insurance company profits being targeted is complete BS, since when is making money in a capitalist society (or at least use to be) unethical? I would wager everything I own that the government inefficiency would be more than double the 3% profit margin the insurers make if we went to a single payer system.

This is more a story of power, control, and buying votes than actually helping people. If the focus was on actually helping people and not buying votes with the promises of "reduced rates" subsidized by other people, the focus would be on providing greater access to coverage by utilizing the private sector. Instead, it's handcuff the private sector then point a finger that it doesn't work.

That's enough of a rant for today.

Good rant.
I agree with much of that. The reality is that there is a certain group of people that will never be pro active in terms of taking care of their health. Call them stupid,uninformed,lazy or unable you pick it. Some are just unlucky. Half of the country, like half the the people anywhere, don't get it and don't want to get it.
Talk about wasted money and stupid vote buying subsidies; how about the 65% 9 month cobra pay out? Would that money have not been better used for people who were medically inelidgible for an underwritten plan instead of doling it out to everyone? One could argue whether or not these people should have had to supply documents showing that they were declined first and the admin. cost of that but ...?
To me the rationale was "let's just throw everyone who lost a job a bone and they will remember us come re election time." Many people who could of had the portability of an individual plan didn't take one because of said subsidy. I wonder how many of them got stuck due to a health change in that 9 month window then had to pay full load for the remaining 9 mos. of cobra and subsequently pay out the wazoo (not a cuss) for hippa coverage afterward.
Very responsible BO and buddies.
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This will be the end of the Dems as we know it. To try and shove this down 55% of the populations respective throats will be a political disaster. The revolution is coming...
Me likey.

I think it is just mean the way you guys kill your own animals for food when you can have some else do it for you. Why forego all those extra hormones that come with "farmed" animals.
Why would you want to go out into the wilderness ... there might bugs and stuff ... and all that fresh air ... yikes.
Jeepers, don't even get me started on the smell of gun powder ...
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create a national risk pool

It already exists.

It is called Medicare.

low income people not being able to afford coverage, subsidize it

This too exists.

It is called Medicaid.

Allow "low income" people to buy in on a sliding scale. Still a subsidy, but less expensive than anything the Dem's have brought to the table. It also requires low income people to have some skin in the game.

Tort reform, information sharing technology, open market for prescriptions, an unhealthy population (the gorilla in the room no one wants to talk about), and the list goes on are where the focus should be.

Those are all like throwing pebbles in a lake.

If you really want to bring down health care costs, put everyone on a $5,000 HSA. That will force them to become better consumers and might just encourage them to get off the couch and exercise rather than popping pills for HTN, cholesterol, type II diabetes and other chronic conditions that can be controlled or reversed with healthy lifestyle changes.
It already exists.

If you really want to bring down health care costs, put everyone on a $5,000 HSA. That will force them to become better consumers and might just encourage them to get off the couch and exercise rather than popping pills for HTN, cholesterol, type II diabetes and other chronic conditions that can be controlled or reversed with healthy lifestyle changes.

Totally agree.
My wife and I have a 7000 ded. H.S.A. Had it 3 years. Love it. Would not trade it for all the "free" nationalized healthcare in the world. We do the P90X program, don't smoke, and have an eating plan. We work. We save money. And plan ahead.
Now barring people with medical issues that are of no fault of their own, this not all people.
How many frigging times have you guys been on the horn with a potential client and all you get out of them is "how much is the doc. visit co – pay, etc." This is why we don't go after or even want an unmarried client under 45. These people are not responsible planners. They just want to spend some else's money and are looking for discounts not security.
Great. So here's the deal as soon as they make me sheriff. You make over X amount of dollars per year, you have a claim, no coverage, we take your st*ff. Right then, right there. No bankrupts', no lien on your property. Right then, right there. There is no community in this. Never will be. It's about what can happen to me if? That's it.
Watch how responsible people get from that point on.
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If you really want to bring down health care costs, put everyone on a $5,000 HSA. That will force them to become better consumers and might just encourage them to get off the couch and exercise rather than popping pills for HTN, cholesterol, type II diabetes and other chronic conditions that can be controlled or reversed with healthy lifestyle changes.

Yeh, and maybe we should take a cue from Obama and not be spending big bucks to treat fatal brain tumors in 78 year olds. Perhaps we could bring the Senator from Chappaquiddick in to vote on that one. Be interesting to hear his views.
Agreed. The last administration proved that.

It probably will in some form or another. Elections matter. You lost.

Yes you are right and so has this country!

Hmmm. There are no conservative "the rules do not apply to me" elitists. Um... how many sex scandals have you folks had?

Now how do you compare sex scandals to being elitists?

Its too bad about John Edwards oh and how the liberal media has covered this case.
My wife and I have a 7000 ded. H.S.A. Had it 3 years . Love it. Would not trade it for all the "free" nationalized healthcare in the world. We do the P90X program, don't smoke, and have an eating plan. We work. We save money. And plan ahead.

I can't believe Al hasn't tore this statement apart. We have a HSA plan as well $5850 ish deductible. We also have money, as do you (likely).

The average no savings American I don't think a $7000 deductible HSA is reasonable and god forbid someone "plan ahead".

And if you do the P90X you should get at least a 20% discount! Heck even if you pass the pre testing... HARD PROGRAM!!!