Delta Dental offers IFP dental plans in many states. A husband, wife, and one or more children in Southern California can enroll in their DHMO plan for less than $16 per month ($191.16 annual payment). Honest-to-goodness dental insurance with $0 deductible and many basic services at no or low cost. Reasonable costs for the expensive stuff like root canal therapy, crowns, etc. Even includes orthodontic coverage for children and adults.
Why waste money on a "discount plan" and get nothing more than the same cash discount another person can get without the $240 in "premiums"?
Insurance is not free, but discount plans are not insurance and they are not cheap. And, as a professional insurance producer, nothing that I do for my clients is based on what I get paid. I could care less what my commissions are, because what I do for others is not about me at all.
A dhmo is a garbage plan. Anyone enrolling in one is just asking for trouble. The providers are essentially the bottom of the barrel who use the hmo as a last resort since they have no patients. I would not send my dog to a dhmo dentist.
Many discount plans offered by providers include preventative visits in their enrollment fees.