I've been looking for a long time for a decent Dental, Vision and Hearing plan to offer to my clients. I believe I have finally found one.
- Available for ages 18 to 85.
- Benefits up to $2,000 per year. Zero deductible plans available.
- No network, your clients can go to any provider they want. Great for clients in rural areas.
- First year commissions comparable to a Med Supp.
- Renewals paid for the life of the policy.
- No wet signature required.
- A great product to "get in the door" with in the senior market.
- $100 bonus for every four apps submitted until Dec 31.
If interested, send me your e-mail address or give me a call, 573.544.4091.
- Above street level commissions.
why is this not in the offers sections, this should be moved