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If you sell much in the blue collar or even the small business owner market.
You find clients that work jobs or have business that include that person doing manual labor.
I had a plumber that had several guys working for him and he was into six figure net income.
More than my net income.
The question. Several companies will sell a life policy to these type of clients and you can add a Di income rider.
These are easier to get underwritten than a stand lone policy, and pay more first year commissions.
I am doing the client a disservice for doing this?
Would I do better to write him a stand alone DI?
You find clients that work jobs or have business that include that person doing manual labor.
I had a plumber that had several guys working for him and he was into six figure net income.
More than my net income.
The question. Several companies will sell a life policy to these type of clients and you can add a Di income rider.
These are easier to get underwritten than a stand lone policy, and pay more first year commissions.
I am doing the client a disservice for doing this?
Would I do better to write him a stand alone DI?