Did I Make the Correct Decision?

I see. You are just going to "rip" them for their training... and then jump to MassMu? Well, so much for honesty and integrity. Since there isn't is all that much of either in this industry to start with, you obviously will fit in well.

You are making a mistake. MassMu is by far the better company and the one that you can start a career with and stay there forever... if you like captive life.

Besides, who is to say that MassMu will want you later on? And don't you think MassMu will realize you stayed with AGLA just for the training and that they will figure you will do the same again with them?

In answer to the title of this thread... NO... you made the wrong decision.

That was a very fast jump to a conclusion.

I have not contacted MM yet. For your info, I do have integrity whether you want to bash or not. I was not ripping AGLA for anything. I planned to stay with them and only pick up MM to sell internationally.

Talk about integrity, what about you rippin' on someone you don't know, takin' cheap shots without knowing the whole story, then judging someone through a virtual portal. Maybe you just call it like you see it, but you need to remember the ASSUME rule. And there are things you are assuming.
.....Talk about integrity, what about you rippin' on someone you don't know, takin' cheap shots without knowing the whole story, then judging someone through a virtual portal. Maybe you just call it like you see it, but you need to remember the ASSUME rule. And there are things you are assuming.

I see that you and Al have been introduced! :D
I have not contacted MM yet. For your info, I do have integrity whether you want to bash or not. I was not ripping AGLA for anything. I planned to stay with them and only pick up MM to sell internationally.

I think the problem is that you write like someone with a junior college education and I read like someone with a graduate degree.

Your post sounded to me as coming from another young guy with an entitlement mentality. Had I thought that you were not into ripping off AGLA for the training, I obviously would not have written the answer I did. I know you won't accept it, and that's OK with me, but I really am smarter than you think I am.

Maybe if you had written "the whole story" you might have received a different answer from me (and others.)

Son, you ASKED if you made the right decision. Based upon the information you provided, I answered you. If you don't think you will like the answers, perhaps you should not ask the questions.

I'm sorry you took offense, but explain to me, based on your post, what conclusion I was supposed to reach? Oh, silly me, I'm supposed to read your mind.

Here is a life lesson for you. Learn it:

"In this class we use the Socratic method. I call on you, ask you a question and you answer it. Why don't I just give you a lecture? Because through my questions you'll teach yourselves. Through this method of questions and answers, questioning and answering we seek to develop in you the ability to analyze that vast complex of facts that constitutes the relationships of members within a given society. Questions and answers. At times you may feel you have found the correct answer, I can assure you this is a complete delusion on your part. You will never find the correct, absolute, and final answer. In this class there is always another question to follow your answer, yes you're on a treadmill, my little questions spin the tumblers of your mind, you're on an operating table, my little questions are the fingers probing your brain. We do brain surgery here, you teach yourself the law, but I train your mind. You come in here with a mind full of mush and you leave thinking like a lawyer."

Professor Kingsfield
The Paper Chase

I see the typical keyboard ninja's are making personal attacks while trying to intimidate new forum members, as usual. Add something of merit to the forums without having your own agenda and stick to the subject title. Check your attitude before letting the insults to commence.

Are you quoting from the novel or television show Professor Al?

Clean it up! This is becoming tired and old.:1mad:

I think the problem is that you write like someone with a junior college education and I read like someone with a graduate degree.

Your post sounded to me as coming from another young guy with an entitlement mentality. Had I thought that you were not into ripping off AGLA for the training, I obviously would not have written the answer I did. I know you won't accept it, and that's OK with me, but I really am smarter than you think I am.

Maybe if you had written "the whole story" you might have received a different answer from me (and others.)

Son, you ASKED if you made the right decision. Based upon the information you provided, I answered you. If you don't think you will like the answers, perhaps you should not ask the questions.

I'm sorry you took offense, but explain to me, based on your post, what conclusion I was supposed to reach? Oh, silly me, I'm supposed to read your mind.

Here is a life lesson for you. Learn it:



Your arrogance has been noted and filed. No, I am not some young guy as you again ASSUMED. According to your website photo, I am your age and a career changer. Quite possibly my writing abilities stemmed from an over-emotional reaction to your first post. As far as entitlements, I have never thought something should be given me just because it should. I have worked for everything I have in this life and expect no less.

It might well be true that your sheepskin states that you have paid for more schooling, and according to your statements that was the school of "Brutal Honesty Is is the Best Policy." Where as I attended "Diplomacy and Honesty wins Souls."

As far as reading between your rants to get to your answer. I will reconsider my positioning with AGLA. I have a fraternal brother currently with MassMu in a different state. He has as well encouraged me to contact the local GM in my area. I may well do that prior to signing any contract with AGLA. The AGLA "Quality of Life" product appeared to me to be a unique and great product that was very marketable in my area. That was the reason for chosing them. I liked the product.

You know, Al, I asked my question to get input from Agents with more experience in the field of insurance -- quite possibly it came across juvenile. I didn't need to be patronized nor for someone to look down upon me.

I was slightly offended yes, not by your answer at all, because that is the item in which I had been looking, but your approach is the offending scoundrel. I could tell by your website you take the pragmatic approach to your business as well as on this board. There is no problem with that in an of itself, but it is a fine line from pragmatic to brash, and you walk extremely close to that line.

You may want to consider reading your posts outside of a biased mindset to actually see how those posts could be interpreted by their recipients.

I'm just sayin'....

I accept your apology.

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[Quiet Sunday morning here and I feel like writing a short "rant"... so if you loath those, you are best advised to 'move on.']

Your arrogance has been noted and filed. No, I am not some young guy as you again ASSUMED.

You need to get over your fear and loathing of assumptions. There are very few actual "facts" in the world, and even those seem to be re-written from generation to generation.

I won't go into a lot of detail here, but you will fail terribly... and quickly... in this business if you can't 1) make "good" and close-to-accurate assumptions about people you meet that you plan to sell to, and 2) manage or "create" the assumptions they will make about you.

I could write you a long and lucid essay on the above, but I'm sure you would simply "assume" it was an exercise in arrogance, so I will neither waste my time, nor that of yours.

According to your website photo, I am your age and a career changer.

Everyone is a career changer at some point in their lives. At age 61 I think mine is about the last generation that was brought up to be... something... and STAY something.

Doctors stayed doctors, teachers stayed teachers, you joined a company or an industry and stayed for life, etc. However, we might have been the first generation to, on a large scale, question that, and change it.

I know very few people in my high school graduating class who are doing today what they set out to do in 1965... what they went to college to study. Case in point, I went to law school, but never finished.

In my parents generation it was a stigma to "drop out" of a graduate school or a profession or even a career to do something different. Not to us... and not to those who have followed us.

When I meet a young person graduating college I never ask "What do you want to do?" I ask, "What do you want to START OUT doing?"

It might well be true that your sheepskin states that you have paid for more schooling, and according to your statements that was the school of "Brutal Honesty Is is the Best Policy." Where as I attended "Diplomacy and Honesty wins Souls."

Well, in that case I can assume you are not a fundamentalist Christian, Orthodox Jew, or any of the other 1,001 "true believer," "my-way-or-let-me-hurt-you" faith-based belief structures out there. I never question their honesty, but diplomacy is hardly their trademark.

You know, Al, I asked my question to get input from Agents with more experience in the field of insurance -- quite possibly it came across juvenile. I didn't need to be patronized nor for someone to look down upon me

You posted from behind a cloak. No one knows who you are, what you do, or anything about you. You wanted "respect" from everyone, and most gave it. I have little respect for people who seek honesty and openness from others, but don't give it themselves.

As for being patronized and having people "look down" upon you... son, do you know what business you are going into? Do you know where, on the food-chain the average insurance agent is? Do you know how much status and prestige there is in this business?

You better get over your fear or "problem" of not being trusted, of being considered not quite on the same 'status level' of your average grunt-worker, and by some, considered a 'failure' because let's face it, what do people do when they can't find a job... they sell insurance or real estate or Amway.

If you are not OK with that and are going to take offense at those assumptions (and yeah, people will make them... you will get a lot of your clients saying "Joe, you're really a smart guy... graduate degree... lots of business experience...how come you sell insurance?") you will not do well in this biz.

but it is a fine line from pragmatic to brash, and you walk extremely close to that line.

I fail to see the juxtaposition of the two. I don't see a continuum, I see two parallel lines.

I won't won't comment on "pragmatic" because to some degree every business MUST be pragmatic. Now "brash" is more interesting. I'm of the school that in business, those who are scared to take risks, don't get rewards. It takes a level of "brashness" in order to "get over" that fear of risk.

My wife, before crippled, was an operating room RN so we knew and partied with many (at that time, young) surgeons. Arrogant and brash to a man/woman. Why? Because (it was explained to me) if ou have any fear of failing (or any fear at all) you had better not pick up the knife and cut into a living person. (I always thought it was close to Nepoleons's quote that "If an army could think, it would run away!"

Am I brash? I hope so. I don't know anyone who ever succeeds in something not to be brash. If you are not brash, you are best advised to be a civil service worker or join the military where orders are issued and orders are followed, without a lot of introspection and retrospection.

You may want to consider reading your posts outside of a biased mindset to actually see how those posts could be interpreted by their recipients.

This is a web board. This is the internet. This is NOT real life. Add to that the fact that I ASSUME ( which I'm free to do... like it or not HTW) the vast majority of those who post here often under a cloak (like you) are poorly educated, steeped in a monolithic belief system that prohibits them from understanding that which they don't already know, and who for the most part... don't want to know anything BUT what they already know... and that what they already know... is mostly wrong!

My posts here are for the 20% to 30% of the readers here who are not afraid to be intellectually challenged, who are not "bound and gagged" by some neo-conservative or neo-Christian belief structure, and who, like me (an others,) are amazed each day at how much they don't know about everything around them... and who are not afraid to investigate... instead of quoting some bible verse or sudo-patriotic catechism to summarily reject any idea, concept, or fact that they can't get their undeveloped minds around.

My guess (from looking at the state flags on screen-left) and from several years of reading (and responding) to posts here...is that most subscribers in this venue are middle-aged males, ex-military, gun-owning/loving, active church-going Christians, living in either the South or in rural conservative regions outside the old Confederacy, who are homophobic, xenophobic, and who would gladly, happily, and with all due dispatch return this country to the political and social structure of Alabama of 1948.

HTW, you need to understand that what a man ASSUMES, is what is TRUE to that man. The above is "true" to me. So, why should I care how my posts are received here by the majority, when I only write for the small minority who have more than a simple junior college education and/OR who are liberal-minded enough to accept the fact that there are always two sides to every issue.

I'm just sayin'....

I accept your apology.

You are indeed, most welcome.

InsuranceSolutions123 Agency: Honesty and Integrity
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Al, I think there is a faulty logic in the bible comment. Being intellectual and being able to "think" is not mutually exclusive with faith in God and the bible. Also, the above does not mean that you have to be a strong conservative, which is what the media would have you believe. I consider myself fairly liberal (more middle of the road really) and a Christian, and don't completely understand why you think one goes hand in hand with the other.
I consider myself fairly liberal (more middle of the road really) and a Christian, and don't completely understand why you think one goes hand in hand with the other.

I've always heard that in order to have faith, one must abandon reason.

Of course none (or few) of us do that. We all have faith in something (and faith in nothing... IS something!)

I think faith must be BALANCED by reason.

In Inherit The Wind, the final scene says it all for me:

Alone in the final scene in the courtroom, Drummond sees copies of Darwin and the Bible on the bench. He holds Darwin's volume of Origin of Species in one hand, and the Bible in his other hand - thoughtfully weighing them and balancing them against each other in the air. He half-smiles, shrugs, claps them against each other, and then carries them together in one arm as he exits the courtroom, while an acappella voice (of Leslie Uggams) sings the stirring The Battle Hymn of the Republic.

Whatever you do never work for a place that make you captive. I did that for a while and there is nothing like being able to write for many carriers. Currently I write about 10-15 deals a week. I am happy to help you as well. Send me an email at [email protected]