Dieing Man Dined Ambulance by Gov't Healtcare


5000 Post Club
ObamaCare Model

Just wait... It will be here soon.

Here are the probs I know about:

father in law forced to wait over a year in pain for knee replacement. Onec approved he had to "train" 3 hours to a facility to get treatment and then get back on the train to go home. Now in pain, they are providing no treatment.

Mother in law blood preassure kept shooting up to critical stages and she was feeling faint. Treatment? go home and rest... After weeks of this they changed her meds because she convinced them to preform a more complete exam.

My little girl( she is half swedish) had a little diaper infection last summer. Treated on the spot with great treatment, no hassle.

Moral to story? In laws old, a drain on the system. Time to die. My girl being only 1 year old at the time is more of an asset than old people.

Watch out old people.
When you spend other people's money, they get to set the conditions. Always remember that.
ObamaCare Model

Just wait... It will be here soon.

Here are the probs I know about:

father in law forced to wait over a year in pain for knee replacement. Onec approved he had to "train" 3 hours to a facility to get treatment and then get back on the train to go home. Now in pain, they are providing no treatment.

Mother in law blood preassure kept shooting up to critical stages and she was feeling faint. Treatment? go home and rest... After weeks of this they changed her meds because she convinced them to preform a more complete exam.

My little girl( she is half swedish) had a little diaper infection last summer. Treated on the spot with great treatment, no hassle.

Moral to story? In laws old, a drain on the system. Time to die. My girl being only 1 year old at the time is more of an asset than old people.

Watch out old people.

Maybe this is better, huh?
Firefighter Denied Life-Saving Treatment - Local 2 Investigates News Story - KPRC Houston

The company actually has to follow its rules. You can fight them. Good luck fighting Government Health Care when they start denying routine care to balance the budget. Also, insurance companies will often budge to manage PR. The government has no such concern.
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I'm wondering if the lack of comapssion for human life is the reason our health care system got out of control.

You really think the Federal Government is going to be any more compassionate in administering health care than private insurers?
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The company actually has to follow its rules. You can fight them. Good luck fighting Government Health Care when they start denying routine care to balance the budget. Also, insurance companies will often budge to manage PR. The government has no such concern.
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You really think the Federal Government is going to be any more compassionate in administering health care than private insurers?

I do repsect your opinion because the subject we are talking about is the basic difference ibetween a democrat/prgressive and a republican/conservative/small government advocate. I don't advocate the governmet take over of every aspect of our lives but just enough to keep those the the free market system honest. There are some very troubling legislation being passed in congress by big money industries in return for enormous political contributions. Many members of congress have recently changed their positions to get in line with the money flow. That to me is a very dangerous part of the free market system. One family alone has pleged 88 million dollars to kill the EPA and influence other regulations to increase their bottom line in profits without regard to the health of future generations. I consider the top management level of the insurance companies as dishonest and profit driven as these people. Before Obamacare and even after it was discussed some insurance companies saw record profits and record CEO bonuses while at the same time tightening down on claims to much needed medical services to their clients. And yes it even costs lives. The insuirance companies knew we were in a crisis mode before Obama was even elected. Employers were dropping coverage because of rate increases and many were closing leaving middle and low income people to pay more than they could afford for coverge. Not all of these people are the irresponsible ones who can afford coverage but choose not to purchase it. It would have been better for the industary to recognize the situation and work with congress to come up with a better solution than to wait until soemthing was past and then spend millions to kill it.

I'm not saying our current system was great. But I'm not in favor of turning it over to the government either. Also, experimental drugs and treatments are very expensive, and often don't work. I don't blame the insurance companies for not wanting to pay. I'd rather an insurance company deny an extremely expensive treatment that has little chance of working, versus the government deny a 70 year old man a knee replacement that will greatly increase his quality of life and might extend his life for years due to his increased mobility.
FE , your posts are rediculous. What the hell do you do for a living? Sell what? The dems closed the door to any insurance company or repub negotiations in the very beginning. You obviously have no plans to manage your own company, or aspirations to become wealthy or self sufficient.

Aren't we both glad that Obama left the golf course in time to make a good call to take out Osama. I wish I could golf as much as him. "we have no time" to spend on birth issues.....now off to Oprah show.