Dieing Man Dined Ambulance by Gov't Healtcare

Here... how bout these "talking points" kenneth. Pass a damn law regulating all doctor and hospital pay or charges. say to the overpaid little twerps ye can charge only xyz for that x-ray or treatment...

my kid was in the hospital for 2 days... just the hospital was 19K.... 19 fing k? are you dodo dodo ing me?

as i have said b4 and what makes dr's hospitals and anyone in the medical profession or rx salesman mad as hell ... regulate medical pay and you control healthcare cost... game over
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I really don't think you know much about it either.

You are probably right.

Over 35 years in the industry, over half as a home office employee. Around 15 years providing health reinsurance for carriers and self funded plans. Analyzing loss reports, designing plans that are cost effective, working with MCO's.

Yeah, I don't know a damn thing about the way health insurance works under the hood. Guess I am just another flag waving conservative holding on to guns and religion in your mind.
Here... how bout these "talking points" kenneth. Pass a damn law regulating all doctor and hospital pay or charges. say to the overpaid little twerps ye can charge only xyz for that x-ray or treatment...

my kid was in the hospital for 2 days... just the hospital was 19K.... 19 fing k? are you dodo dodo ing me?

as i have said b4 and what makes dr's hospitals and anyone in the medical profession or rx salesman mad as hell ... regulate medical pay and you control healthcare cost... game over

I'll admit I know probably as little as Ken does with health care but I don't agree with him at all.
With that, Peeler, Ive always wondered the same thing. Why is it bad that insurance companies want to profit as much as they can? Why blame the insurance companies for the cost of insurance, why not blame the doctors and hospitals for making it too damn expensive to go without insurance?

I think of it this way. Imagine today their was no form of health insurance, gov't or private, and going to the hospital and doctor was relatively cheap and you could easily pay out of pocket. But then all of a sudden after 2-3 years it is getting expensive to see a doctor/hospital.
Me, being a entrepreneur, I want to jump on an opportunity to make money and come up with this new idea of "health insurance". It's a hit, most people can afford it and Im making a killing. But, every year the cost of medical claims is going up and my premiums that I offer to people go up. The people are outraged! Damn you insurance company for wanting to make a profit! You need to lower your premiums! Gov't steps in and starts giving you rules and regulations and everyone see's you as corrupt.

That's the way I see it....why not blame the greedy doctors? Well, maybe because their E&O insurance is too high....well why not blame the greedy E&O companies? Well, people like to sue here in America for everything...so blame greedy Americans
This is a black and white issue. Either you believe that the government can do it best (national healthcare/single payer/much regulation/John Galt) or you believe in free enterprise. If our health system has complete transparency and if consumers had real skin in the game, much of the problem (it is a solely a cost issue after all) would go away.
The company actually has to follow its rules. You can fight them. Good luck fighting Government Health Care when they start denying routine care to balance the budget. Also, insurance companies will often budge to manage PR. The government has no such concern.
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You really think the Federal Government is going to be any more compassionate in administering health care than private insurers?

Not to split hairs, but dead is dead. Good luck fighting from that spot. I don't see what all the paranoia is about. If the program goes through, it will only guarantee the basics (similar to Medicare). If you want better, you'll need a Supp. From my point of view (Senior Market) our pool of clients gets a LOT bigger.