Dan's situation is unique and may or may not track to other lines of coverage.
HO insurance is required if you have a mortgage. Auto is also required by most, if not all states. Beyond that, auto & HO insurance are "demand" products, meaning that, consumers will voluntarily look for the coverage even without the mandates.
Health insurance is not required (in most jurisdictions). While it is a demand product roughly 17% of the population lacks health insurance. Granted, most of those are children eligible for SCHIP, adults eligible for taxpayer funded health cover, illegal aliens or young adults who simply choose to opt out of the system.
Health insurance is part of the job for roughly 40% population while auto & HO is NOT part of the wage package.
While your market for HO & auto is virtually 100% of the market your ideal target for health insurance is less than half the population.
Auto, HO and health insurance are demand products.
Life insurance (in various forms) is not. It is not a product someone thinks of on a regular basis where the other lines of coverage are.
Dan's approach works well for him and his market. If he mails 1000 pieces a week at $0.60 each including postage he is investing roughly $3,000 per year in order to write about 500 new policies a year.
Even if his commission is only $100 per policy that is $50,000 in new commissions.
Those are great numbers.
This is not to say his method will not work in other markets, but you have to know your market and know how to target those who have a demonstrated interest in your product and a desire to purchase.
HO insurance is required if you have a mortgage. Auto is also required by most, if not all states. Beyond that, auto & HO insurance are "demand" products, meaning that, consumers will voluntarily look for the coverage even without the mandates.
Health insurance is not required (in most jurisdictions). While it is a demand product roughly 17% of the population lacks health insurance. Granted, most of those are children eligible for SCHIP, adults eligible for taxpayer funded health cover, illegal aliens or young adults who simply choose to opt out of the system.
Health insurance is part of the job for roughly 40% population while auto & HO is NOT part of the wage package.
While your market for HO & auto is virtually 100% of the market your ideal target for health insurance is less than half the population.
Auto, HO and health insurance are demand products.
Life insurance (in various forms) is not. It is not a product someone thinks of on a regular basis where the other lines of coverage are.
Dan's approach works well for him and his market. If he mails 1000 pieces a week at $0.60 each including postage he is investing roughly $3,000 per year in order to write about 500 new policies a year.
Even if his commission is only $100 per policy that is $50,000 in new commissions.
Those are great numbers.
This is not to say his method will not work in other markets, but you have to know your market and know how to target those who have a demonstrated interest in your product and a desire to purchase.